Remember Remember the 5th of November


Hi all, how are you?

As you might be able to tell it's the 5th of November and for those of you aren't British or don't know what the 5th of November is, it is the anniversary of when Guy Fawkes attempted to blow up parliament (the Gunpowder Plot) with fireworks, so every year on this day we send fireworks into the air and burn a doll of Guy Fawkes on a bonfire (although I don't think many people do this nowadays).

We even have a little rhyme:

Remember remember the fifth of November

Gunpowder, treason and plot.

I see no reason why gunpowder and treason

Should ever be forgot...


Anyway History lesson over.

My family and I were setting off fireworks in out back garden, as you do, and as a firework went shooting up it exploded and fell on top of our conservatory roof scaring the absolute beejeezus out of me and my brother so we dramatically duck and rolled across the floor and hid underneath on of my mum's plants.

It may not sound very funny and worth sharing but we couldn't stop laughing after. 

Blah blah blah I'm attempting to finish off my history essay about Italian unification but I keep getting distracted and I also have a psychology end of unit test tomorrow which I haven't revised for despite having a whole week off from school to do it. Don't judge! I'm a very busy person...

Well I better get cracking, just thought I'd update you on what I'm doing - if any of you cared or wanted to know.

Tata, I hope you all had a good 5th of November, or Monday :)


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haha i learned about that during ap euro haha i actually forgot about that untill now lol