Happy Birthday, TOP!!!

On this lovely November 4th, it's time we celebrate the birthday of my all-time favorite idol/love, Choi Seunghyun, T.O.P of Big Bang. Twenty-Five years ago this beautiful man came into this world, and if that would have never happened, wel then... I just don't know.

TOP, to me, isn't just a K-Pop idol. He's a role model and an icon. He not only graces us with his handsome presence in BIg Bang, but he also shows us in a way that it's okay to be silly sometimes

A lot of people should look up to him. I know I do when I feel not confident about my weight. TOP lost so much weight just to achieve his dream.

Not only does he rap, but he's also a great actor, playing Vick in Iris and one of the soldiers in 71 Into the Fire.


But, let's move away from being sentimental, now, shall we?


And those eyes! OMG!!!!

Honestly, if I never came to love this guy, I wouldn't have been so obsesed with K-Pop as I am now. I probably would have never found AFF or started writing. So....

HAPPY 25th (26 in Korea) BIRTHDAY TOP!!!!


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coming-on #1
i know its late!!
HAHA I FEEL YOU! OMG! I feel the same way! If it wasn't for Tabi I never fell inlove to BIGBANG or even Kpop! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH that I found AFF because of HIM also. DAEBAK!
pvradox #3
wasn't his birthday techinally yesterday, i don't even know but omg i didn't know his name was vick in iris. BUT YES DEFINETLY SUCH AN INSPIRATION.