Ad Feature: 15,000+ points

So, for some of you who already read few of my other blogs, would probably already knew my view about the Ad Feature. To cut it simple, I'm not really against it, but I don't support it by desperately earning karma and trying to advertise myself.

I am still tempted however to put an ad in the main page. I really want to test the power of the ad for fanfic. If it is non-EXO or non-Kpop story, will the ad power still work? So, I was curious. I ended up looking at the ad page and I figured, it's been a month, so probably people already drained up their karma and it slows down a bit. You know, from the whooping 6000+ to around 3000+ or less. And looking at the whole month, and next month, it has decreased quite significantly compare to last month. But then I saw something so undeniably shocking that I just have to post it here.

See that? 15,910 points.


I think the user is either desperate or wants to use up his/her karma before s/he left the site, or something like that. You know, similar to what Caline did for her blog and all. I'm not complaining, it's everyone's right on how to use their karma anyway.

But wow. This is probably a record.

This post don't really have a point to be honest. It's just something so shocking that my eyes really widen in surprise and I really just want to let you know. Look, I even put red arrows and square on it to make sure you know what I'm talking about. Hehehehehe


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Lol look at the ads calendar now xD
damn. that's a lot of karma points. like wtf.
it's like 65 times more than my karma. i'm speechless..
so desperate
xinli_ang #4
That's a lot of points... O.o