Fanfiction and Writing

Now, honestly you probably wondering what this blog post is about, or maybe not. I don't care really. I figured not a lot of people will read this or comment on this anyway.

Well, moving on. I've been inactive from this site for more than half a year, I think. It's not that I'm never here, I always check for update or other activities from people here, but just that. I don't really read any of the stories here anymore (well, unless ones that I already subscribed to that is) and I don't really searched for new stories and write either.

I guess I stop thinking of this site as I want to grow up and improve my writing. 

I realized that there's not a lot of great stories that I could read that can really help me improve.

I mean, there's only a handful of authors that do so, and the ones that are so good often got abandon because no one really knows it exists. And the ones that do get a lot of publicity are just the same as other stories. It's like the same theme or stories get re-written over and over again.

Do you know how boring that was?

Anyway, I've been away from this site, but not from fanfiction world. I join the world of Harry Potter fanfiction and it just helps me discover more things than I have ever imagine. And I start reading books again. I mean genuine author type books! It really opens up my eyes as how I want to grow as a writer.

Over the years I have always thought I'm a pretty decent writer and reviewer, but after further reading I find that I still have so much to learn.

And though I'm fine with people just venturing here, but I really recommend writers or readers to really go out and find other sites. Like seriously dude, you are completely missing out!

While here you mainly read about angst, drama, romance, and all those bollocks relating to a teenager and the relationship that goes with it, there's a whole different world out there that gives you a lot of stories about life, war, philosophy, fantasy, adventure, imagination, everything! It can change your life!

Sometimes I wish AFF can be more like other sites, but you can't win everything. 

Why can't AFF have a beta system in which all stories have to go to a beta first before it gets published. Or a filtering system in which all stories have to go to moderator first to check for ratings and its appropriateness. Or a beta testing test so that people who are really classified and genuinely interested in being a beta can help people improve in their writing.

Seriously though, you guys should really venture out to other sites. Try live journal, or, or other sites.

It's not that I'm telling you (or whoever who read this) to go abandon this site. There's nothing wrong with venturing to other sites, especially if it gives you improvements.


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I got lost in LJ OTL I want to know what the hype is about. I don't read though. I have an account in and wattpad. Though, I haven't read a decent fiction in wattpad yet OTL I checked the popular stories and they are like the stories here, in terms of writing style and the plot... well... just the same plot. I am more lucky in
I buy ebooks in Amazon though, if I really want to read something with substance. I read reviews.
There are good fics here, you just have to take time browsing.