• You are my Heaven ¦ Baek Chaehyun

Baek Chaehyun; “i really really really don't like you”
; 정말  당신을 좋아하지 않아”

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Your name: Dani!

Username/Link: HaeKyung

Activity Level: Weekdays 9/10 Weekends 9/10, 10/10

Into the New World

Name: Baek Chaehyun

- Chae ¦ A name often used by family and friends.

Age: 18

Birthdate: November 6th, 1994 (11/06/1994)

Birthplace/Hometown: Vancouver, Canada/Seoul, South Korea

Korean → Fluent
Englsih → Fluent-ish, but is still in study

Ethnicity: Full Korean

I am the Best!!

First Ulzzang Choice: Ban Nam Gyu

Picture Links: 1 ¦ 2 ¦ 3 ¦ 4

Second Ulzzang Choice: Ryu Hye Ju

Picture Links: 1 ¦ 2 ¦ 3 ¦ 4

I Need a Time Machine

Family Background: Chae grew up in a pretty big family. One father, one mother, two brothers, two sisters, a dog, a cat and.. a goldfish. Among these four other siblings, Chae was the youngest. She was looked upon as the silliest, most playful, most immature child within the Baek family, since MOST of her brothers and sisters were quiet, well-mannered and calm (LOLOLOL. No. Only like, two of'em). But, nevertheless! Chae was still the most playful and childish. Within the Baek family was also A LOT of competition. The Baek siblings would always compete about everything, and I mean, everything! Grades, intelligence, sports, athletic ability, strength, speed, height, weight, first to eat, first to finish, first to sleep, first to wake, whoever cleaned the fastest, whoever came home first, whoever read the fastest.. everything. Everything, everything, everything! And even IF Chae was the youngest, and at times the youngers surprassed their elders, Chae was most definately not this type of person. Among the five of the Baek siblings, Chae Hyun was always last. Dead last. And juuuust by the fraction compared to her siblings. She just couldn't keep up with their strengths. But, this didn't keep Chae Hyun from trying, OH NO. She tried everything single day to beat at least just one of them. No matter WHAT they were competeing about!

Being the youngest, Chae Hyun was also often babied by her parents. Their cute, baby Chae was the last of their children to leave the nest, and they prayed ever-so-dearly for Chae to stay the darling little girl she was. So, like any parent would (or any parent I would know~), did their best to keep their baby's child within. They tried bonding with her as much as they could, even if it involved homework or difficult school assignments, they'd pull up a chair and try to help her. Most likely, Chae's dad would bring out a cross-word puzzle while she did her mathematics, and her mother would most likely be reading some sick, romance novel. And, seeing that Chae was pretty much the only child left in the house, like, legitally left in the house, she too tried her best to bond. This family was also born and raised in Canada, where everyone, but the parents learned to speak english conversationally. By the time Chae was 16 she and her family moved to Seoul (Chae was the only one to hasn't been there) and stayed there permentlanty.

Family Members:

Name: Baek Sunwoo
Age: 54
R.T.C: Father
Job: Journalist; writing newspaper articles
Idol or OC: Original
Interaction: Sun Woo-sshi treats Chae like he did towards all his daughters. "Daddy's little girl". He spoiled her most because she was the youngest and thought that she needed most attention. Up until now he still clings to Chae as his most precious baby, and babies and spoils her even more than he did when she was an actual baby.

Name: Baek Soonhwa
Age: 53

R.T.C: Mother
Job: Housewife
Idol or OC: Original
Interaction: Unlike Sun Woo-shhi, Soon Hwa treated all her children equally and with care. She isn't as clingy to Chae Hyun as Sun Woo is, but she does wish to keep Chae Hyun longer than the others. Soon Hwa-sshi often thinks of Chae Hyun being a little isolated within the family because of the many, many siblings. But now after many moves, Soon Hwa has brought all her attention to Chae and returns back to her motherly ways. Over feeding and embarrasing her all over the place.

Name: Baek Joonwoo
Age: 26
R.T.C: Eldest brother
Job: Mathematician; tutors math and works as a school teacher
Idol or OC: Original
Interaction: He's the most mature among the Baek siblings. He treats Chae Hyun like any of his siblings - like a younger. If you were to imagine it, it's almost like a sunbae-dongsaeng relationship between the two. He looks after all his siblings all the same, but keeps his eyes on Chae the most because he sees her as a little trouble-maker.

Name: Baek Yongwoo
Age: 24
R.T.C: Second eldest brother
Job: Photographer; provides photos for both his father's newspapers and his sister's fashion collabs'
Idol or OC: Original
Interaction: Yong Woo on the other hand is a little different from Joon Woo. He's more care-free and playful, but still manages to maintain steady and calm. Towards Chae he's pretty teasing and mean like most brothers would towards his sisters. He does this mostly to Chae and Chae alone because one, his other sisters don't have much of a reaction to his tactics, and two, he finds Chae adorably-adorable.

Name: Baek Maehyun
Age: 22
R.T.C: Oldest Sister
Job: Fashion designer
Idol or OC: Original
Interaction: Mae Hyun is a different ver' of older sister. She treats Chae Hyun a little harshly and critisizes her a lot over most of the things she does. It's not because Mae likes picking on her younger sister (and she does this to her other sister too), but she just wants her sisters and brothers to try harder and get better at what they're doing. She is still very kind besides her critiscm, and helps her family a lot.

Name: Baek Kaehyun
Age: 21
R.T.C: Older sister
Job: Lawer
Idol or OC: Original
Interaction: She is the cloesest sibling to Chae's age. Kae treats her younger sister pretty badly. She makes fun of her a lot and always has to bring up stories from the past like her testing results or her mainy failing attempts to surprass her, which seems to have usually failed.

VVIP, Rock with Me

Best friend:
Name: Soon Aeran
Age: 18
R.T.C: Best Friend
Job: Student
Idol or OC: Original
Interaction: She's very giddish around Chae and likes fangirling with her. She's one of those everyday best friends that text you everyday or every hour weither it be class or outside. Ae Ran is always, constantly with Chae and she loves to about boys. Ae Ran is also very fangirlish so she always talks about boys around her too.

Name: Kang Kijun
Age: 18
R.T.C: Recent Friends
Job: Student, part-timer
Idol or OC: Original
Interaction: They don't have a very close relationship because Ki Jun and Chae aren't very compatable. He treats her a little awkwardly because he's more mature than both of the girls. He and Chae are only becoming friends through Ae Ran because Ki Jun and Ae Ran are childhood friends. 

Name: Kris Wu (Wu Yifan)
Age: 18
R.T.C: Rival
Job: Student, part of kpop group EXO-M
Idol or OC: Idol
Rivalry: The two compete in school a lot, seeing that they're both smart, athletic and good at almost everything. The one fact is the Kris is able to beat Chae in almost everything she does. This has brought much rivalry to both of the two.

I’m Original~

Plotline Applying for: Red Couple; I really, really, really don't like you.

Personality: Based on the family background, you'd already see Chae as a very competetive girl. Which, of course is true. Chae is the type of person to be dedicated to win everything she can. She's blunt, presistant and really, really, really, really, REAAAAALLY out-going. She's the type of girl to say whatever she feels like and to speak her mind at all times. Chae Hyun is also very childish. She still keeps a kid at heart and is super-uber playful, not to mention a freely, friendly person. Her attitude towards others is always postitive, unless of course you threaten her actions and skills, she would most likely become rivalised towards you. Other than that, she's a very cheerful person who's open to a lot of things. She's willing to do new things too, because she thinks it'll inhance her abilities. But, there's just one minor set back. Chae acts like EVERYONE'S rival. Weither it be on who could make it to class first, Chae would always be up to a challenge. She loves it. She really does. It was probably because she was always competeing against her siblings. Oh well. What can we do about it?

Other than Chae being a super competetive character, Chae is also love-struck. Over the years, Chae had fallen for sooooo many boys in her life that she honestly began listing down the names of the boys who had once rejected her (and yes, that would be all of them). If you couldn't have guessed, you would probably have seen Chae Hyun being a little too.. forceful. If she liked a boy, she'd go on and tell them right in the face. In fact she would go all out on confessing, which may have triggered a sense of danger around Chae. But, yes.. She was a little boy crazy. Although that stopped by her 17th birthday where she vowed to refrain herself from ever falling for anyone again, even IF she did believe "love at first sight". She told herself that she'd wait for her man to come and presue to becoming awesome like her family.

- To be the best
- Walt disney movies; often watched when she lived in Canada
- Learning new things; new experiences mean more things to be the best in
- Hugs; who doesn't like hugs?
- Sleep; something she lacks when she cram studies
- Staying healthy

- Having to wait; she tends to be impatient
- People without a sense of humour; can't laugh, can't live
- Gaining weight; okay, honestly, what girls WANTS TO GET FAT?
- Losing to others
- Comparison; being compared to her opponents or others in general
- Homework; she may like winning and getting good grades, but she hates getting the work for it
- Chewing gum; she finds it gross

- Journaling/writing; she likes to write in her diary~
- Photography; she likes taking photos of her enviroment using a polaroid camera
- Scrap-booking; using the photos she takes, she sticks all her memories into her diary and albums

Eats a lot, but eats healthy
Excersizes daily
Setting up her alarm, even on weekends
Sleeps late
Leaves cabinets and doors open
✖ Swears in english, even if her english isn't perfect

- She jogs around the park everyday, afterschool or in the morning (rain or shine)
- She's a fan of 2PM's former leader, Park Jae Beom (Jay Park) and keeps posters, CD's and cards of him
- She wears and borrows clothes from both genders of older siblings
- She's terrified of animals - mainly dogs (BIG DOGS)
- Has the same birthday as her rival/love interest

What are your plans after high school?: Like her dad, she wants to be some sort of novelist or writer, or a photographer like her brother

What is your biggest fear?: Insects and animals

What is the thing you want to do most before you die?: Beating Kris, Wu Fan in EVERYTHING

I’m Genie for You, Boy

Love Interest: Kris Wufan (Wu Yifan) from EXO-M

Age/Birthdate: 18 / Nov 6th, 1994 (11/06/1994)

Personality: He's an arrogant, cool, swift character who just can't be beat at anything he does. He takes pride in his actions and loves the feeling of success more than anything in the world. He's really popular with the girls, but Kris isn't the type to be getting involved with any of them. In fact, he'd reject anyone, no matter how pretty or how smart they are. He thinks he's just waaaay too good for them and needs a girl that really, and perfectly matches his superier potential.

How did/will you meet?: One day, while Chae Hyun was looking to see who came first in the grade ranks, she found that for once in her life.. she hadn't gotten first place! During this, she went on a search for this, "Kris Wu" and swore to him being her rival.

Relationship: Unrequited love, one-sided love

The two have a love-hate relationship. At first, they do not get along and make a competition over everything single thing. At first, it was just grades, but gradually it grew into getting to school first, the first to get to class, who could voulnteer the most, who could help the most - anything they could compete on. Anything and everything. But, as far as their rivalry goes, they soon develope a friendly relationship.. just, a super-duper tiny one.

How do you interact?:

Her: When she hears about Kris, she can't help, but feel enraged. Before HE came, she was at the top of everything. It was as if he just suddenly swooped in and cut the rope, leaving her hanging and stuggling for deal life. She hated his guts. HATED them. But, seeing just how handsome and freakin' hot Kris was, she couldn't help, but not-not fall for him. When her friends and family points out this obvious state, she gets a little worried that she'll completely show true feelings for him. She tries to keep her act together and treat Kris like she usually does: coldly, with insults and mocking him.

Him: The same goes for him. He's completely repulsed by her presense, seeing Chae Hyun as a threat to his perfect, prince-like life. When she's around he can't help, but get on her nerves. He teases her and makes fun of her and does all he can to get her angry. But, why does he love doing this so much? This is one fact he can't understand. Does he hate her that much? Is she really that much of a threat?


Back Up Love Interest: Huang Zitao (Tao) from EXO-M

Age/Birthdate: 18 / May 2nd, 1993 (05/02/1993)

Personality: Same as above

How did/will you meet?: Same as above

Relationship: Same as above

How do you interact?: Same as above

Baby, Goodnight

Comments: I hope it was okay for me to have written sooo many family members.. and if it was okay to make the love interest her rival.. and to have said the back-up was basically the same guy, with just a different birthdate and name.. asgasf-- TOOK A LAT OF WORK, MANG. 3 DAYS TOPS TO ACTUALLY THINK OF THIS CHARACTER. :'D Thanks for looking upon my application! I really like the story! (: ~

Scene Requests: Omigerd. Shall request at least.. just one.. confession and kissing scene? asdfgnds-- Hehehehehe.. <3

Melancholic - Kagamine Rin (Vocaloid)


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