Thank You Block B

"I have a friend who have been hospitalized for months now. She's conscious but sh can't speak. She's been bedridden already and because of that she won't be able tomove proprely by her own and will probably die as early as we can't expect it to be. She's a fan of Block B, but sh's not really into k-pop. She was in the hospital when she was watching MTV match up and there she became a fan. I've been printing Block B pictures for her to see since she can't use the computer because of the harmful radiation. I'll download every series of their variety shows and I'll put every song that the groups will release into her ipod. she will sleep with her earphones on while listening to their music.



This morning, 9:56am. I visited her and there I saw her again with her earphones. I pulled out one earphones and surprisingly she didn't get mad at me. I'm used to her getting mad at me when I pull out her earphones, but now..she didn't. She tol me t sit down and she have something to say. 

"Please take care of my things for me." 

I wondered why she told me that. We chat and chat, laughed our asses off. She suddenly got quiet and there was me looking at my friend. She pulled out her ipod and listened to songs that I bet she's listening to earlier. She held my hand and told me "I love you, my friend! be strong! I'll be sleeping hahahaha" she laughed and she slept.


I thought she was really sleeping, but when I heard the things beeped. And the nurses came in..I knew she was dead...


I pulled out her earphones and let the nurses push me out of the room. 

I tried t listen to what she was listening to. There...a song of block b was playing on a plylist mode. She named it "my favorite group". 


Block B's songs, thank you for always being there for my friend. 


Anyone who can read this..please pass this to BLOCK B. I wanna pass my gratefulness to them. 


Thank you.


R.I.P Christine "Jona" Joala 





- From a friend of mine.



Guys, will you please help me tweet this to Block B? Specially Kyung, he can read English, right?. Thank you guys. THANK YOU.


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