a p p l i c a t i o n || l u m i n o u s


t h e -- t r a i n e e



--mun in a bun;; 

AFF Profile Link: nicole_b1a4lover
Activity in AFF: 8/10
Nickname: Nicole


i n t e r v i e w with manager choi

[basic character information]

Hi there hun, what's your name?: Lee YongJoo

I see, that's a pretty name, how old are you?: 19

Ah, alright, where did you came from?: Seoul

By the way, when's your birthday?: April 28,1993

Ah, alright then, I'm noting that! So, what's your ethnicity?: Korean

Well, I hope this doesn't offend you, but what's your weight and height?: 175 cm and 49 kg

And oh, what languages do you speak? Well except Korean and Parseltongue of course!: Conversational Japanese, Fluent English and Basic Mandarin

[the inner you]

Mind to describe your personality for a bit?

Well, Im a very nice girl. I describe myself as: sweet, caring, passive, reserved, thoughtful but very lazy and easy to forget things, Being the only child, I like caring my friends and can’t resist doing favors from them. Even though I easily forget  things, I’ll never forget their birthdays. I consider  other’s feeling first.I don’t talk too much, unless I'm bored, but I like being quiet and alone, listening to music, more. I'm the kind of person who laughs easily at someone’s joke, even the corny ones. I think that the reason why I easily laughs is because of the bad memories happened to me about my family. I always think positive and has a fighting spirit. I'm very desperate when I wants to do or learn something. In this case, I’ll learn fast or do a thing successfully. I also have a very strong attitude.

Though there are bad things happened to me, I still managed to be strong. I always keep in her mind that: never give up. I used to be a shy person but now, I learned how to be confident. I'm also stubborn. I like keeping my decision and never decided to change it. Behind these,I'm the person who you do not want to be angry. I'm not the real YongJoo when I got mad. Although I control my emotions, my temper still gets full. I'm not going to talk to the person I'm angry with until he/she apologizes. I'm not going to apologize if I didn’t start the fight. As you can see, I'm also the kind of person whose pride is very obstinate.I don’t like people making fun at me, seeing my mistakes and laughing atme. Sometimes, people used to hate me because I'm too vain.  Nowadays, I avoid to become conceited but there’s still a time that I can’t control my bad attitudes.

Hm, alright then. What do you like?:  Pink things|| Doraemon|| cute things|| Raps|| K-pop|| Sweet foods|| B1A4|| Takoyaki

How about your dislikes?: Spicy foods|| Worms || going to hospitals|| dolls || gores|| bugs|| insects|| Math|| seafoods

What are your habits?: 

  • Smiling and laughing suddenly while remembering some funny memories
  • Clenching my fist after breathing very deep when mad
  • Biting my lips
  • When I'm sad, I would open a book and pretend that I'm in other world.
  • Tapping a surface with my fingers when nervous

Well, hobbies?: Reading love stories|| Listening to musics|| Songwriting|| Learning dance moves|| making origami

Do you have any personal talents? For variety shows and stuffs: beatboxing and imitating Petty's voice [of Pororo]

[the outer you]

You are required to send at least three of your pictures:  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Ah, you look pretty in these! What's your style of clothing?: Well, I like short clothes that exposes my long legs. I like matching shorts with long sleeves shirts and sneakers. I also like wearing dresses and long sleeves with tulle skirts

Name of the ulzzang:  Kang Sura


Who's your family members? You know, in case something bad happens:

Park YongHee (biological mother) || Ahn SeeHee (Adoptive mother) || Lee Min Jun (adoptive father)|| I'm the only child

Mind telling me a bit about your background? We want to have trainees from a good background: 

I grew up with my rich, adoptive family. I didn't know that I'm just a adopted. When I was 16, I heard my so-called-parents talking about me. I ran away and find my real parents. My adoptive parents told me everything about them.My parents leaved me because they are still teenagers that time. My mom was only 19 that time . At first, my real mother didn't accept me and denied that she doesnt' have a daughter. But I begged and told her that I lack love of my parents because of the business and mom pitied me a bit. My father left  her before I was born and my mom don't want to talk about it. After umma  told that, she drove me out of her house and told me not to come back. She even told me not to call her Umma. But I am so obstinate and keeps on coming back.

How about close friends? Any idols? Ulzzangs? Models?:  GongChan and Krystal

Friends? Acquaintances? People you wish to meet?:  YoonA, Sehun and Nicole

Do you dislike somebody? Like, a rival, be honest now! I know it can't be helped!Suzy

Ah, be honest to Manager Choi, who's your crush/love interest, perhaps you have a boyfriend?: JinYoung

[love interest]

Now that we're talking about love and I want to know more about you, how do you act around your crush/boyfriend etc?:  Uhmm, very sweet! I pinch and kiss his cheeks whenever we meet.

Aw, that's cute, what's his personality? Describe it a bit for me, yes?: He is very lovable. He likes making fun of me and likes comforting me. He also likes pinching my cheeks. He is very sweet, caring, thought ful and selfish. He do not like someone touching or talking to me. He has a bad boy image but cute and kind inside. He is very shy but very confident when with me. He always asks how am I doing.

If, perhaps you haven't met, how do you want to meet him?:  Talking comfortably in a coffee shop while drinking my favorite milk tea

Well, if you guys had met, how was your first meeting?:  Uhmm, awkward!

[audition process]

Hm, could you show me a bit of your dancing? It is mandatory: || [1] || [2] || [3] ||

How about your singing? That's of course if you want to be a vocalist, you can show one if you think you're good at it:   || [1] || [2] || [3] ||

Rapping? Of course, that's only if you want to be a rapper, you can show me one if you think you're a decent rapper:  || [1] || [2] || [3] ||

Do you have previous CFs or cameos?: B1A4 - Baby Goodnight(THE GIRL IN THE BAR), Big Cola CF ( The girl with glasses), Secret - Starlight Moonlight

If ever you're chosen, which position would you like?:  main rapper, main dancer

Well, got any ideas for your stage name, if ever?: Joo

Oh, how about a fanclub name for yourself?: HoneyJOO


[trainee days]

Well alright, how long have you been training for?: 3 years

Woah! That's amazing, I salute your strength! How was your trainee days? Is it good? Tough?: Tough... At first I find it very difficult since I was that shy. But there was this friend who helped me a lot..

Hm... what else... ah! What did you train? You know like, singing, rap, dance, acting etc..: Rapping and dancing

That's all! Thank you for auditioning for Luminous, I'll be sure to contact you once Lee Sooman and other board members had made their decision, for now, continue training! But you know, we'll be having lunch, would you like to join us? If you do, what would you like with your rice?: SOUP



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