✶ h a e u n d a e ▬ tidal wave ¦ Yoon Bong San

Yoon Bong San | Ryu Hye Ju | Do Kyungsoo


it's all about you, gull

your name: HaeKyung

activity level: 9/10

you're fantastic elastic

name: Yoon Bong San

age: 19

height: 157 cm

weight: 47 kg

place of birth: Seoul, South Korea

hometown: Busan, South Korea

why you're in Busan: After her boyfriend had gained a job oppuritunity, he willingly asked Bong San to live with him. So, she did. Taking their child with them.

your biggest dream: To grow a family.

your biggest fear: Failing a loved one, or losing a loved one.

so beautiful mah gull~

appearance: Her looks aren't above average, but she's acceptionally pretty. She doesn't do a lot to fix her image, besides fixing her hair and moisterizing. But, she never wears makeup. She likes to keep her face bare.

links: Ryu Hye Ju  1 ¦ 2 ¦ 3 ¦ 4 ¦ 5 ¦ 6

appearance 2: Same as above.

links: Lee Da Som 1 ¦ 2 ¦ 3 ¦ 4

aye gull, can i buy you a drank?

Back to the past Before, she was happy-go-lucky. Carefree and childish. Of course, this would have been during her highschool years. During this time she was too reckless and love struck - thus, resulting in getting herself pregnant. From then on, she redeemed from being too oblivious of common sense. Now, seeing that she has aged a little more, she's grown mature and learned from her mistakes.

Blast to the present Bong San is now a quiet character. She doesn't do much when meeting someone new. She does what everyone else would. Say hello, greet them, talk a bit.. and then? What? That'd pretty much be all. She's now the type to have difficulties in carrying on a conversation. A little anti-social if you would. But, it's not because she's not interested in making friends or anything like that.. she's just not as cheerful as she was. If anything, it would almost be as if she had completely forgetten to be her happy self. She likes to keep from attention, but she does her best to get on people's good sides.

Between me and you When it comes to friends and family, you could say she puts them first before herself. She's the type to sacrifice herself for the people she loves and cherises, no matter the concequences. She acts and appears as a weak character, but you would already see her as someone who isn't strong on the outside, but strong on the inside.
history: After getting into such a big issue during highschool and having to bare a child, Bong San was disowned by her parents. The only family she currently had was her grandparents (who she has lived with back then), her current boyfriend Jae Hee and new born Hye Chan. Life was rough for a while, especially among school. She was taunted for her mistake and was often bullied. The only ones to ever confort her was her grandparents. They did all they could knowing that Bong San was sorry for her actions. Family was important, and Bong San kept that in mind through-out much of her life. Knowing that she raised Hye Chan, along with her grandparents, life was a struggle. She was only 17.
- Writing: she journals about her daily life and wants to start a novel
- Photography: she often takes photos of Hye Chan and nature
- She leaves cabinets and doors open a lot
- She cracks her knuckles a lot, although she knows she shouldn't
- When she laughs she snorts
- When she's thinking she blows raspberries
what would you do in a state of pure fear or trauma?: Hyperventilation. She'll have trouble breathing when things get serious or when something just shouts, "DANGER".

don't deny our r2pi

Yoon Ji Won ▬ 75 ▬ Photographer ▬ He's passionate about what he does. He cares deeply for his granddaughter and great grandaughter. He isn't too fond of Jae Hee and honestly dislikes him. ▬ Grandfather ▬ Loves taking photos of his family. (Besides Jae Hee)

Yoon Hae Chan — 75 Housewife She's a sweet woman who's waaaay overprotective over her grandaughter. She too doesn't like Jae Hee that well. Grandmother She over feeds her family a lot.

Kang Jae Hee 20 N/A Claims to be a business man  He's not very friendly and is more of the bad-boy boyfriend. He doesn't do much to help out a lot. He's kind of lousy.  Boyfriend He keeps his relationship with Bong San in order to pay for clubbing and dating services.

Yoon Hye Chan 2 None A bubbly child who's always clinging to her mother. She still needs to learn more about the world. Bong San and Jae Hee's Child She loves peanut butter!


you joom joom mah heart like a locket

love interest 1: Oh Kyungsoo (D.O) from EXO-K.

his -short- personality: Kind, generous and one to take action when the time is right. He's optimistic and knows how to keep from getting personal.

do you want to meet during the story?: Kyungsoo was taking a break from whatever he was doing and decided to stroll through the park. Here, he saw Bong San by herself watching her child play. He saw the child fall and Bong San hurried over to her injured baby. That's when he took charge and approached the two, just checking if he could help. (Ugh. That was so lame.. :'D)

or did you know each other beforehand?: --

your relationship: Recent Friends

do his parents like you? why or why not?: No. Seeing that Bong Chan already bares a child, they see that she had bad influence in her decisions.

do you eventually want to end up married or just dating?: Married.

love interest 2: Bang Yongguk

his -short- personality: (Same as above)


that soup i love

extras: I'm hoping this idea of a character is okay. asufgasf-- Aaaaah. ;orz

scene requests?: I'd like Bong San and Kyungsoo witnessing Jae Hee cheating before the storm hits.

would you rather...: [ ] YOU, [x] YOUR LOVE INTEREST, [ ] BOTH OF YOU, [x] or NEITHER OF YOU die during the tsunami?

do you have any kids?: Yes.

are you ok with me adding random plot twists?: That's okay too! You can change whatever you'd like, really! The current thing with the cheating.. Yeah. I dunno. Do as you please and play around with all of it if you want! :'D I chose my love interest dying and both of us not dying.. Cuz, I can't really choose. Unless you want me to make a final descision, I will! Am I allowed to say fataly injured? asuhvaisf-- ;orz

password: Hurricane Sandy


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