
Time, Luhan thinks, is a selfish creature.

It stops for him, yet it doesn't wait.

 It takes away everything from him, yet it doesn't give anything back.

 It controls him, but he can't control it.

And it gives him something that he really wants, but cannot have.


When he ends up in a place and time too distant to be his reality, Luhan has only himself to protect and defend. His world is too complicated, too delicate, too intricate for anyone to possibly understand. It's far too dangerous for anyone to come close to him, and for him to go close to anyone.


Once time takes over him, he's into a world of idleness.

Once he's gone... he's never going to be able to turn back.


Time certainly waits for no man. And that is especially true for Luhan.


Time, Luhan decides, is a selfish creature indeed.




HEY GUISE WOOHOO THIS IS MY NANOWRIMO ENTRY BTW IF YOU WERE WONDERING. Basically my friend forced(ish) me to join so I did, though I probably won't be able to complete it sobs. But I sort of planned out the story already (because my friend told me to outline it WHICH I TOTALLY AT BTW) and bleh, hopefully it reaches 30k words because that's my goal. Anyway, I'm excited because I've never written something like this before but I'm scared because I'm afraid I won't be able to write it out as perfectly as I thought ._. Because in my head this story has this awesome plot but when I write it it'd probably be simplified like crazy so NO EPICNESS D:

/coughs/ This is hunhan btw. Because I felt like it teehee. Besides, no one else would 'fit' the characters. Maybe I should have just given them an original name... Psh whatever. The funny thing is, I may have wrote the summary/foreword in Luhan's POV, but the whole story will be from Sehun's POV. Apart from the prologue, yes. And the plot has like, little to do with what I've written on top okay. I'm so sorry to Jullien who told me to change my sentence structures here and there, but I am lousy and so I didn't ._. Man why do I so much. PSH.

Here's my profile page for nanowrimo [x] but there's nothing there. Just saying hee.


On the other note, I lost motivation and inspiration for my stories D: Will probably take a while to gather them back, and I don't really want rush them all out and give you guys something crappy. This means I have lost the writing contest I've joined (well dang) because I'm going off to Nanjing from 5-21st November and it ends on 21st. Oh man :(

On 23rd I'm going to SM-Town concert omg creys. Then 26th Nov - 10th Dec I'm going to UK OTL I hate traveling kays I don't have internet D: Anwyay what I'm trying to say is I'd be on temporary hiatus until mid-Dec omg HELP. But don't miss me too much xoxo ;) The whole of November I'll be typing on my iphone lol which will kill my brain cells. There's prolly 2 more days to nanowrimo so I should at least try to squeeze my brain and write moarrr.

Actually you know what I'm going to post my chankai drabble on the puzzle pieces collection. Because it's useless to the plot for Bratsitting 101 (only adds more humour yo) sooo Im just going to post it there like a cute chankai side story it is c: Please tell me that counts as updating pls


I'm really sorry you guys have to stand my crap all the time D: It's not fair, and I've learnt that my promises do not stick omg. Never going to make a promise ever again. I'm only good at keeping my promise of returning people money lol.

Okay then, see you! c:


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It's beautifullll <3
come here to dubai so that I can strangle you alive and worship your decaying body.