I am, primarily, a Shawol, and by definition, I love SHINee with all my heart and with all my being. They were the first group I liked, and because they introduced me to this wonderful world of kpop, and enabled me to make so many new friends and extend my writing ability, allowed me to like kpop, of which being a fan has been the most special and most wonderful experience of my life, I will always love SHINee. They've enriched my life so much and I want to support as much as I can in return.

But to be honest, I feel very close to EXO in a way that I don't feel with SHINee. Not to say that I love SHINee less, because I can never love them any less, it just feels special to me, liking EXO. They're the first group that I have followed since debut and it feels like I am going through this journey with them and their trials are mine, too, and each milestone they reach, I've reached with them, and each award they win I had a hand in helping them gain :') Really embodies what they mean when they say "we are one". And seeing them all work so hard is just so inspiring seeing how young they are, how close in age I am to them. They really are a humble and very deserving group of upright young men, and I think belong to the Exotic fandom is a wonderful thing to belong to. 


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O M G THIS IS ME RN TOO. <3 awwww
Omg its like you have written my feelings <3
omo, i thought i'm the only one who feels so attached with exo. *blink* well, it's how i felt between infinite and exo. :')
forever_or_never #4
I think a lot of us feel the same. It's a great feeling when you've followed someone from the beginning and when you've watched them grow.
Authornim, you took the words out of my mouth that i have been dieing to explain to other ppl. Being an EXO fan doesnt make u a newbie to kpop...I'm happy to be an EXOtic, i've fully thrown myself to into the fandom memorizing and enjoying everysingle meme, otp, reference, gif, and wierd stuff our fandoms does. I've seen their concerts on the web and live at stage, its a wwonderful feeling to be their humble fan. I just hope others could see this too. We've been with them since their debut and i hope to be with them forever.
" WE ARE ONE " is the truth, so let our fandom come together and love our boys unconditionally!
Omg, my exo story, right there