I screwed up 81% of my life....FML.-_-


[] Kissed someone before dating.

[✖] Gotten a phone taken away at school.(it went off and he was going to my locker XD)

[✖] Gotten caught chewing gum.

[x] Gotten caught cheating on a test (I was in the 1st grade)

[✖] Arrived late to class more than 5 times. (I hated all of my teachers)

Total so far: 4

[x] Didn't do homework over 5 times. ( I lost it,forgot it,or was confused)
[✖] Turned at least 2 projects in late.(not really my fault...kinda)
[✖] Missed school just because you felt like it.(Hey,I needed a break!)
[x] Laughed so loud you got kicked out of class. (people do stupid stuff and I can't help it if it's funny)
[✖] Got your mom, dad, etc to get you out of school. (sheeyeah!, but who hasn't)
[✖] Text people during class. (I got bored)
[✖] Passed notes. (She started it!)
[] Threw stuff across the room.
[x] Laughed at the teacher.9 I told you I didn't like them. When they would slip up I would laugh it up)
Total so far: 8

[x] Took pictures during school hours.(I was just too gourgeous to let the moment go to waste) 
[x] Called someone during school hours.(When it was needed..in my eyes)
[✖] Listened to iPod, CD, etc during school hours. ( No music=no happiness, I'm sure you'll understand)
[] Threw something at the teacher.
[✖] Went outside the classroom without permission. (when I get upset it is just time for me to leave XD)
[x] Broke the dress code.( The shoes were Tacky,the shirt was lame, I worked my style in pants but everything else was a no)
[x] Failed a class.(-_- nothing to talk about)
[✖] Ate food during class. (Fruit snacks and juice....sometimes even water)

Total so far: 7

[x] Gotten a call from school.( not if I had something to do or say about it....they had to call before I got home)
[] Been called the worst student
[] Punished on a 
school trip because you behaved badly.
[✖] Didn't take your stuff to school.( I was in a rush)
[✖]Given a teacher the finger when they weren't looking. ( I was in no mood and she chose to mess with me )
Total so far: 3

[✖] Faked your parents 
signature. (whoa whoa whoa wee whoa, They let me...sometimes...)
[✖] Slept in class. (I was dying of sleep)
[✖] Cursed at a teacher behind their back. (yeah well, I was wreckless then )
[✖] Copied homework. ( a few times, I did the same for others...therefore I am not ashamed )
[x] Got in trouble with the Principal/Vice Principal/Dean (I still remember their faces,names,and conversations)
[] Thrown food in the lunch room.
Total so far: 5

Multiply by 3.

81 x 3 = 81%

Post this as " i screwed up __% of my life"



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AjLee_Azy #1
98% i screwed up that cant be unscrewed
for me...
kimchi97 #3