Have you ever wanted to disappear?

Suicide's been a hot topic lately. Whether if it was done or they're thinking about it.



Life's short and life . WE ALL KNOW THAT.

Some people come from bad backgrounds and are going through hard times...yeah okay.

No matter how "detached" people think they are, THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO CARE.

For example, one of my training partners, Cathy, was posting about how she had enough of life and whatever.

She's had at least 4 or 5 boyfriends, and she's only 13.

I've met her exes, they're all stupid s that will probably grow into druggies and bums.

SHE IS 13. 

I told her "Yeah, life , and life is short. But it's beautiful and you're supposed to appreciate it. Not be a sad little ."

She got mad and deleted the status. She's fine now.

And another 13 year old, my "daughter" Jenna.

Her mom's side of the family called her a ... and she's never really been in a relationship. She's an absolute angel, trust me.

She got angry and started to cut.

I called her and told her that cutting isn't the answer. It just makes it worse.

Now, back in middle school, I was depressed. Though about suicide every day of my life. Took pills for it. Got addicted to the false sense of happiness it gave me.

I know how it feels to never be "enough"

Realizing that pills did nothing, I quit.

It was a hard time, but as my dad always says, "Everything is all in the mind"

And because I ACTUALLY VOICED THAT I NEEDED HELP, my 8th grade History teacher Mr. Fox and some of my other training partners helped me through.

And I was clean by Freshman year of high school.

Next day at school, I made sure she was okay. Thankfully, she didn't cut too deep. I just hope she listened to me and stopped cutting

The stupid thing about all of this is, is that it's all their decisions. The ones who committed suicide? THEY DIDN'T HAVE TO DIE.


I'm tired of people moping around like they have absolutely nothing when there are whole communities that ACTUALLY DO HAVE NOTHING AND THERE'S NOTHING THEY CAN DO ABOUT IT.

.....Please, If you're ever thinking about getting on drugs or committing suicide... 

Know that you can always talk to your friends and family.

If not, you can talk to me.

I don't judge until I know the full story.


That ends my rant.






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Preach, honey