OMG!!! IM about to go crazy!! I just found out that even though my school blocks chatango, pictures, yahoo answers, and even wiki I CAN GET ON VIKI.COM!!!!! >.< Im so happy!! Haha  I am NEVER getting anything done from now on!!!!  HAHA I just cant believe they still blocked everything else >.> That gets me mad but whatevs! I'll take what i can get, ya know? And thankfullt they didn't block this. I guess you have to appreciate what you get! I'm still happy though. I would post a happy gif right now.....but i think you know why i cant -_- *Self Note: Dont be aggrivated* ;p So if you want to talk I somtimes cant go on chat so just talk to me on here! I'll reply back as soon as possible! ^o^//

Also!!!! I need new dramas~! ^o^ Any recommendations?!?! Thanks guys~! Love you! <3


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lol you'll survive XD
The 3rd Hospital, To The Beautiful You, I Do I Do, Big