Luminous Application

t h e -- t r a i n e e




--mun in a bun;; 

AFF Profile Link:
Activity in AFF: 8-9
Nickname: Vanna



i n t e r v i e w with manager choi


[basic character information]

Hi there hun, what's your name?: I'm Pyo JunHee

I see, that's a pretty name, how old are you?: I'm 17

Ah, alright, where did you came from?: I came from the United States. I lived in Atlanta, Georgia.

By the way, when's your birthday?: I was born on July 23, 1996

Ah, alright then, I'm noting that! So, what's your ethnicity?: I'm Korean American

Well, I hope this doesn't offend you, but what's your weight and height?: I'm pretty short. I'm 148 cm and weigh about 43 kg.

And oh, what languages do you speak? Well except Korean and Parseltongue of course!: I speak Korean and English fluently.


[the inner you]

Mind to describe your personality for a bit?: I am a pretty happy person. Although I can get jealous easily, I'm a pretty understanding person who likes to laugh and smile a lot. I like doing things my way but I do listen well. I like to learn new things and meet new people. Since I am a type O, socializing is something I love doing. I dont like giving up and try my best to go all the way. I'm the type of person where if I am comfortable with you, I tend to hit you, but in a playful manner. Although I joke around a lot I know when to be serious. I have to say that my personality is very weird and contradicting but many people have said that thats my charm. Ahaha, is it? But, overall I am a happy person.


Hm, alright then. What do you like?: Singing, Rollerskating, Hanging out with friends, watching movies, eating sweets

How about your dislikes?: Bugs, slimy things, rough things

What are your habits?: Puffing out my cheeks, biting my nails, biting lip, shaking legs

Well, hobbies?: Reading and looking up things

Do you have any personal talents? For variety shows and stuffs: I can dance pretty well :)


[the outer you]

You are required to send at least three of your pictures:

Ah, you look pretty in these! What's your style of clothing?: I like wearing leggings with shorts and I love wearing sneakers and boots. Over larged cardigans, jackets and sweaters are things I love wearing. I love my tops to be over-larged. I wear a hat and a backpack with me at all times and I like wearing bracelets and earrings. 

Name of the ulzzang: Kim DaHyun



Who's your family members? You know, in case something bad happens: I have a father who's 46 and owns a restaurant. My mother is 42 and stays at home helping my father and my brother is Pyo Jihoon aka P.O from Block B

Mind telling me a bit about your background? We want to have trainees from a good background: I'm not from a well off family. It was pretty hard to live with my parents since P.O ran away to live with Mino. I never got the things I wanted and we weren't able to eat dinner a lot since my mom and dad were always working. We owned a restaurant in Atlanta but it didn't work out so we moved here so that I can audition and help my parents make money. 

How about close friends? Any idols? Ulzzangs? Models?: BOYFRIEND Kwangmin and INFINITE SungYeol

Friends? Acquaintances? People you wish to meet?: I wish to meet TEEN TOP's Ricky and Niel. I'm also friends with B.A.P as a whole. 

Do you dislike somebody? Like, a rival, be honest now! I know it can't be helped!: SNSD's Sunny

Ah, be honest to Manager Choi, who's your crush/love interest, perhaps you have a boyfriend?: My love interest is NU'EST JR.


[love interest]

Now that we're talking about love and I want to know more about you, how do you act around your crush/boyfriend etc?: I'm pretty shy but we do joke around a lot. We tease each other and he makes me laugh all the time. We always poke, tickle and hit each other but, in a joking way. We act like best friends and we tell each other our personal secrets. But, sometimes when I see him, I get pretty shy and he makes fun of me for it. 

Aw, that's cute, what's his personality? Describe it a bit for me, yes?: He's very talkative and knows how to have fun. He's smart and funny. He likes to makes jokes and make fun of everyone doesn't matter if he knows them or not. He's respectful to elders and is very kind. He's caring to anyone, which makes him seem like he likes them but he doesn't. He believes that women should be treated rightfully and believes that anyone can do things if they put their heart into it. He is very wise and loves to me smart. He likes coming up with ideas for everything and likes to be in the lead even though Aron is the leader. 

If, perhaps you haven't met, how do you want to meet him?: When I'm on a variety show and we hang out backstage and get to know each other before we get back on camera. 

Well, if you guys had met, how was your first meeting?: -


[audition process]

Hm, could you show me a bit of your dancing? It is mandatory: (Girl in the middle with long hair)

How about your singing? That's of course if you want to be a vocalist, you can show one if you think you're good at it:

Rapping? Of course, that's only if you want to be a rapper, you can show me one if you think you're a decent rapper: -

Do you have previous CFs or cameos?: -

If ever you're chosen, which position would you like?: Main Vocalist, Dancer or if not I would like to be Lead Dancer, Vocalist

Well, got any ideas for your stage name, if ever?: Sunshine

Oh, how about a fanclub name for yourself?: Rainb♥ws



[trainee days]

Well alright, how long have you been training for?: I've trained for two years

Woah! That's amazing, I salute your strength! How was your trainee days? Is it good? Tough?: It was tough because of the competition that was going on but, I felt that overall I've learned how to be a better performer. 

Hm... what else... ah! What did you train? You know like, singing, rap, dance, acting etc..: I trained in dancing, singing and acting. 


That's all! Thank you for auditioning for Luminous, I'll be sure to contact you once Lee Sooman and other board members had made their decision, for now, continue training! But you know, we'll be having lunch, would you like to join us? If you do, what would you like with your rice?: soup


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