Meet Amber


She's a sophomore. Preeeetty well known around the campus.

She likes this upperclassman- a junior to be exact. An international student.

...Let's name him Kris


Kris and Amber have known each other for about a year. They met doing community service and were making blankets.

He has almost all the girls wrapped around his finger- but mostly as friends though. He likes to play around at times. It's rare though.

He has no clue that Amber likes him. (At least she thinks so)



Kris and Amber have been grouped together with a few other people for a collab project between the classes.

They have some stuff in common, despite physically being different.

-They both listen to Kpop and alternative rock

-They are both pretty crazy at times, great with other people.

- Amber is a mixed martial artist and Kris is a boxer, so they both enjoy physical sports.

Only thing is that Amber is 1) PAINFULLY SHY and 2) always seen hanging around with her guy friends, most likely doing something that tips the weird scale.




One of Amber's electives is Acting for Film, which is offered every other year and works with another class- the Applied Film class.

Ironically, Kris happens to be in that class. 


Being the calm person she is, she masks her feelings and focuses on work.


Amber had a plan. Homecoming was coming up and she wanted to get closer to Kris.

So everyday when they passed each other in the hallway, Amber would call "HEY KRIS!", which would make him look up at her. She followed up with a wave and a small smile.

to which Kris responded with a:

plus a "Sup."


One day Amber asked for a hug.




Everyday for 2 weeks.

And then she stopped because his hugs were getting less enthusuastic

(But boy did he smell nice. And feel nice.)


Homecoming came and passed. Amber didn't ask Kris.

Amber went to her cousin's 16th birthday instead.

And Kris did who knows what.


Things were practically how they were before the two knew each other.


Sadies is in two weeks, and somebody else already asked Kris.

Thankfully, he and his date are only growing as friends.

Amber is planning to go with a bunch of her girl friends like she did last year.


Nowadays, Amber's been pretty darn depressed. A lot have people have noticed her enthusiasm slowly draining from her usually exuberant self.

She's slowly getting over Kris. 

Or at least trying to.

Whenever they exchange small glances at each other or small hellos or whatever, 

Amber just falls all over again.


So...what does she do?

Help pls.

(idea stolen from musicgeek and royalvip)


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Aw hun ; n ;
since I'm not experienced, i wont offer advice except maybe .. i dunno T-T
but you deserve better, if he cant appreciate you and your everything that is amazing and wonderful about you, then he's not worth it<3