Im not perfect, guys!

Im quite depressed with my mom because she told im not beautiful as before! This because im gained weight recently.! uhuhu! She told me i need to exercise alot to loss that fat! im just enjoyed the food, mom...! also, the people around me want me to loss weight... They said i must regained my pretty figure again! HELL, im also a human...! i just want to enjoy my life!

Also, yesterday, i went to an interview. i was wearing a milky-white dress.. after the interview is done, i went to a public toilet.. suddenly, one woman greeted me..


"Are you married today??! Your dress is so beautiful" she said..

Married??! im still 18, ahjumma!

"No... im just to an interview just now" i said in polite way, curved an smile..

"Oh! Of course you will get it, young girl... Nothing in this world can not be done by a beautiful girl like you! you easily can get man, money, fame..everything in your hand, young lady.. you dont have to work so hard, that preety face can help you" she giggled, 

At that time, im totally annoyed! but i just keep on smiling to her, hides all my feeling towards her words.. I must respect her...

Ahjumma, im not flawless!! Why you judged me by my face?! I hate people keep saying that a preety girl does'nt has to work hard because of she has that PRETTY FACE! That does'nt matter she is beautiful or not, she still have to work harder to achive her dream! PRETTY FACE can not help you!


Sorry if my post is bothering you guys... but i need to express my feeling.. im just can not understand with people around me.. why they keep on judging me??

im not their robot, who perfect in all ways... im not perfect! im a human,,,Please understand me when i gained weight! Im also not their slave who always do anything that they wanted such as loss my fat in 2 weeks! These people really driving me crazy!



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suspensionlist #1
Gaining weight is not bad. You just can't go overboard with it. But at the same time, being underweight isn't good either.

Here's what I would do. Find a picture of the world's fattest woman and carry it around with you. Whenever someone tells you to lose weight, just pull it out and tell them, "As long as I am skinnier than this woman, I will never look fat".
Ahh, I hope people will get to understand what you're feeling right now. :( I'm not perfect, my skin is not the best, I am too light for a person my age, like, every morning I'll sometimes end up as a stick (78 lbs.), and I'll feel VERY unhealthy. I think gaining weight is good, and you can keep the balance to it.

Being skinny is not everything, you can tell them that, and also being pretty is not. But having beauty is a gift, but not a gift to achieve everything. Everyone is perfect in some ways, but they can't be generally perfect. :)

I hope people will understand you soon.
Maybe your mother is just concerned for your health? At least she didn't tell you to starve yourself to lose weight.

I don't think the woman was trying to be mean when saying that she thinks you are pretty. I would be happy if someone told me that. She was probably just trying to make you feel goo about yourself.
You went to an interview? Cool~ for what?
allyssacheleth #5
Dear, don't worry about them. It's not the end of the world! :)
... no one is perfect. :) < remember that ^^ if it really gets too annoying just try saying your opinino nicely to your friends for e.g. just like 'guys, i get it. pls stop talking about it. i'll lose weight when i want to.' something like that :)
and if you are annoyed by waht they say and sick of it, then just don't lget it get to you :) if you let it get to you you wouldn't have gianed weight in the first place, which means you're standing up for what you want to do :) and that's fine, you can always ignore what they say as long as your'e confident you know what you're doing :) and are you 18? wow in teh picture last time you looked a lot younger :) but you know its not a bad thing if you're pretty ^^ a lot of peopl ei know are pretty and kind and smart :) not just pretty, im' sure you're one of them too :)
BehNuhNah #7
sometimes unni it is part of a life..i think so.. :))