♕The ℛoyal Entertaiment ℠ ♕ Application


the royal entertaiment








username : yowzer135


Aff link profile : here!! http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/14910


Activeness : (1-10) 9 1/2





Name :  Kim Mi Sun


Nicknames : Sunshine, Chubby Bunny, Minnie


Age : 19 (20 in Korea)


Birthdate : 26/08/1993


Birthplace : Elva, Esotnia


Hometown : Seoul, Korea


Ethnicity : Estonian, Korean, Irish


Language(s) : English (fluent), Korean (fluent), Spanish (Learning), Japanese (Learning)


Gender : Female






Ulzzang name : Byun Ji Young


Ulzzang links : {1.} [2.] {3.} [4.] {5.} [6.]

Back Up Ulzzang name : Park Hwan Hui


Back Up ulzzang links :  [1.] {2.} [3.] {4.} [5.] {6.


personality : Mi Sun is very quiet and boring, but when you get to know her, she is a very big firework.  She so is not afraid to talk about anything to anyone from a dance to very non innocent things.  Mi Sun is a socialite when she want to be. She loves and treats everyone equally.  But never mess with her bad side.  She sticks up for members when they are in trouble being bullied, or when an instructor is fussing at them for something they did not do.  Mi Sun talks to her stuff animals when no one is around, because she feels like no one would EXACTLY understand her problem. Mi Sun is very very impatient person when it comes to getting somewhere in time.


            Mi Sun shows everything she has when a camera is around, or when a web camera is on.  Mi Sun does not care what people think about her self, because she wants to be the first Mi Sun of her own and not let anyone change her.  She loves sharing ideas with others, and hates using her own money unless needed. Her goal in life, is to make her younger fans smile and laugh at her stupidness.




background : Since being brought into a small town, everyone was not into unique things.  She barely knew what the word meant.  Her mom moved her because she wanted her daughter to become the person life was willing her to turn her into.  Also for her to live a better life.  Two years ago, she heard about Cher Lloyd and became interested in her singing and rapping.  And for those last two years, she now sounds British when she raps in English.  And she started making covers of Cher’s songs on youtube and got thousands of hits, and got Cher’s attention.  She got contacted from one of the representatives from SM and asked her to come as a trainee, but said no because she did not feel like pursuing in this as a career.  After they called for the second time, she became a trainee at SM, but was then moved to The Royal Entertainment and worked her off to be at a spot she deserved to be.


Height : 175.26 cm (5’9)


Weight : 52.1631 kg (115 lbs)


Likes :


  • ·       Stuffed animals


  • ·       Friends


  • ·       Dancing


  • ·       Singing


  • ·       Sugar Cookies


  • ·       Making Covers


  • ·       Cher Lloyd


  • ·       Heels




Dislikes :


  • ·       Bullies


  • ·       Haters


  • ·       Peasants


  • ·       Haunted Houses


  • ·       Lighting


  • ·       Haunted Mazes during Halloween


  • ·      Dolls that sit in the corner of rooms.


Trivia :


  • ·       Lucky number is 12


  • ·       Favorite Color is anything Neon


  • ·       Looks up to Cher Llyod


  • ·       Flexible


  • ·       Can freestlye in Rapping


  • ·       Shih tzu named Darla 


  • ·       Collects Marc Jacob bags


Hobies : (bullet point)


  • ·       Shopping


  • ·       Composing


  • ·       Rapping


  • ·       Contemporary dancing


  • ·       Movies


  • ·      Vlogging
  • Habbits:
  • ·       Kicks her sheets off the bed


  • ·       Jumps when she is nervous


  • ·       Scrunches her nose


  • ·       Puffs her cheeks when she wants something


  • ·      Stands up straighter when she is mad at someone (more like signaling that person)






Father : [Kim Johnny| 40| Doctor and has a medical degree in Surgery, Medicine, and anything else to do with the Human Body|Have some happy moments, but are still strict around each other.  Even though they love each other, they are a little made at each other since she did not have the same future he had for her, but still supports her.]


Mother : [Lee Kyung Soon| 36 | Dance Instructor |Kyung Soon spoils her children.  They are very sweet around each other and polite, but if they get mad at each other, they talk it out for as long as needed, and move on with life.]


Sister : [|Kim DaYoung (refers to DD)| 5| Elementary | Looks up to Mi Sun as a role model and is spoiled.  Mi Sun usually gets jealous, but appreciates everything she has.  Cherishes every moment she has with her sister.]


Background Story : Mi Sun was born and raised in Elva, Estonia.  A small population with a little over 5,000 people.  She grew up in a strict society, where everything had to be bland and boring. Creation never existed and she never knew what other countries were like.  Since she was born and raised her, her father raised her strictly and rarely let her sing around the house.  Her mother enrolled her in dance classes like acrobatics, and to this very day, makes her own acrobatic routines.  Since her father was tall, she became tall too.  And once she moved to Seoul Korea when she was 16, people became interested in her because of her height, and she hated it.








Bestfriend (1) : [Soo Yun| Currently in a group called P.L.H| Definitly |the girls hang out Fridays and they go out to Lunch and eat.  But when they aren’t together, they text until their phones die, then they go onto their ipads until the ipad dies, etc. ]


Bestfriend (2) : [JiYoung | Leader of B1A4| Once in a while| Basically a therapist for her. When she is in major quick sand, she turns to him for a solution, and he treats her like a sister.]


Friends (3+) : [Choi Sura| highschool| Weekends only|They either go to SuRa’s house or go to the beach, shopping, or a bouncy house. ]


[Shin SooHyun | Leader, Main Vocalist of Ukiss| Whenever they both have freetime|They love to skype each other or write together, when they are bored.]


[Kim Yu Kwon | Dancer in Block B| Not exaclty| She goes to him when she needs help learning a new dance, or when she needs someone to annoy.  But together they love to annoy each other.]




Girls Generation 


Love interest : B.A.P Yong Guk


Why him? : His gummy smile and his charm make her interested in him. Including his voice


Love story :  Mi Sun had just learned her mother is very good friends with his mother.  They never really hung out, but somewhat have some things in common and talked once.  And usually the atmosphere is awkward, but cute.  Since he debuted, he figured he was a trainee and started to text her every 2 days.  He is keeping a huge secret from her, and she really wants to figure it out.






Hello Venus


Stage name : Minnie


Pesona : Rapping Dignity


Fanclub colour : Turquoise  Lolssssskfnboisnbo


Fanclub name :  Got Dignity?


Fanclub Pesona :   Moral Respect Digniters


Trainee? Where?: YG Entertainment, then transferred to The Royal Entertainment.


Postion : Sub Vocal, Main Rapper, Dancer


What group did you choose? Tiara <3




Big Bang


Comment : May the odds be ever in your favor when picking members for Tiara!


Suggestion : None


Cuteness : I guess on a scale from 1 to 10 its an 11 filled with rainbow unicorns!







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