help on a b.a.p. pre-order c.d. ._.v


^that's me because im happy, ouo.

so... i was talking to my mom about pre-ordering b.a.p.'s "Don't Do It" album. She didn't really give me an answer, LOLOL. But then i was like, "mom, i stood in line with ________ (sister) for 2 hours at KCON and got nothing. I still have the 20 dollars you gave me, .-." She was like smiling and i had hope, but then she started talking to my grandma's friend and totally forgot about my hanging there. So... one site sells the pre-ordering one for $21 +shipping and the other site sells it for $12.10 +shipping. The first site says it includes the photobook (oh how i wish they included the photocards from the "Crash" album, TT.TT) and the other one doesn't... do you guys think it is included or not? I'm just confused.

  • do you think they're going to come out with a re-packaged album after "Don't Do It"?
  • help, please? /puppyeyesandshot


i would add the others... but it won't let me.... ==v



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Try Yesasia( is a site i trust , its safe and shipping cost is free)
or KpopMart This is my fav site for kpop stuff ^^ Since It gives out free gifts and the shipping is free (if The album cost more than the free shipping)

Kpop town is good too
i think it'll be better if you order it from kpoptown.
i order there and the album includes photobooks. c:
or dvdheaven. idek.