→ Life In Technicolor | Kim Hae Kyung

•On the radio, baby I heard it's a violent world •

» My Crush is A Monster Boy «


Username: HaeKyung

Profile link : Click!

What should I call you? HaeKyung, or Kyungie is fine by me~ ^ ^

•Won't you take me where the streetlights glow?•

Name: Kim Hae Kyung (김 해 경)

Nickname: Yun

Age: 19

Birthday: 19/10/1993 (Oct 19, 1993)

Height: 160 cm

Weight: 47 kg

Birthplace: Busan, South Korea

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity: Full Korean

Languages spoken:
Korean Fluent
English Fluent

•Still it's such a beautiful sight•

Ulzzang: Lee Da Som

Looks: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Backup ulzzang: Baek Su Min

Looks: 1 | 2 | 3

Style: HaeKyung's style is extremely feminine. She's fond of dresses, floral patterns, shorts and plaids. HaeKyung's basic attire is quite simple and old-fashioned; she loves to accesorize. She usually keeps her in pony-tails, buns or braids - there are very few times when she lets her hair loose.

Click~ http://xsamri.tumblr.com/

•Like a serenade of sound•

- Sherlock Holmes
- Reading
- Sleep
- Coffee
- Cold weather

- Spring (because she has allergies)
- Having to engage in long conversations
- Reading aloud
- Insects
- Liars, gossipers

- Collects small flowers, flower-petals and keeps them inside her books (flower pressing)
- Reading (genre of mystery, romance, comedy - practically any genre of book! Occasionally, manga.)
- Listening to classical music through her radio

- She carries around an old tape recorder
- She doesn't own a cellphone
- She eats a lot of spicy foods
- She's has allerigies during spring
- She's allergic to cinnamon (her tongue sweels)
- She's a horrible cook
- She doesn't know any KPOP idol!
- She has the habit to furrow her eyebrows and scrunch up her nose when she's thinking
- She can't swim
- She's never been to an amusment park

Hae Kyung is a quiet character who likes to keep her distances with people; she's not the type to talk to people - or, likely, she's not the type to be around people in general. She'll always be by herself, sitting near the corner of the room, reading the forever school hours. Hae Kyung could almost be considered a wall flower, but because of her high intelligance she's noticed to be at the top of the class. Despite the fact that Hae Kyung has good grades and she's a little rebelious. She doesn't hand in assignment, participate in class, or work willingly! Nope. She's far too lazy. Even in class, she'll be doing something other than working. Hae Kyung would probably be sitting there, staring out the window and spacing out, or reading another edition to Sherlock.

Hae Kyung isn't entirely friendly - it's not that she's mean, or has a nasty attitude, it's just that Hae Kyung doesn't respond a lot. When you speak with her, she'll either ignore you, or just let you ramble on and on and on without having to say anything at all. It goes for when she's teased as well - she doesn't say a thing. She doesn't act offended, she doesn't defend herself - she doesn't do anything. Hae Kyung'll let it slide and that'll be that. But, in reality, Hae Kyung just wants to find something else to do in her oh-so-boring-life. She wants some motivation to keep a happy life - which is difficult when you don't like having to deal with anyone. She's confused and upset with herself for being so anti-social, but it's not something she can really bring the courage to doing.. She's just like that.


•Once upon a time on the same side•


Father | Kim Min Joon | 46 | Part-timer | Alive | You could say Hae Kyung takes her personality from her father - an easy-going, quiet and calm man. | Hae Kyung and her father are very close. They share the same passions for reading and novels. He's the type to call his daughter, "Daddy's-little-girl."

Mother | Kim Chae Jung | 46 | House-wife | Aive | She's a bubbly, immature woman who wishes to bring some joy into Hae Kyung's world | She's really clingy when it comes to Hae Kyung. She hugs her every chance she can get. She over-feeds and spoils her a lot too, but Hae Kyung doesn't bother - she likes it. She calls her, "Yun" a lot, because she finds it adorable.

Family background:

HaeKyung and her family grew up in the areas of Busan. There, they lives happily and merrily. They were a steady family, and did almost everything together. The only issue was money, and because of that, they tended to move every now and then. Different locations, different houses, more jobs and lots of school oppuritunities. Soon, they finally setteld down into the city of Seoul - and prayed that, that was their perminate stay. This is where HaeKyung attended her new school, and to her surprise, found the school real easy. Maybe it was because of her high intelligance or something, but at this school, she really didn't to try hard. There was only one thing she didn't like: The students.

At this school, there were so many kids to have bugged her with homework and studying sessions that she'd always refuse to help anyone. This brought threats and hurtful comments to HaeKyung - but, of course, HaeKyung did nothing to stop it. This only became difficult for her. This issue got involved with her parents when the school board had called to claim that HaeKyung was part of a bullying situation. They weren't sure why this had happened - and although it didn't, HaeKyung still didn't rise to the occastion to tell her parents that she just didn't bother with it. There were so many moments and disscutions of HaeKyung transferring to another school again, but because of the lack of jobs her parents had, they didn't have the money to pay for another transfer. Why would she need to transfer? She was fine! She could handle herself, no problem. She managed to pursuade her parents to keep her in this school, and thus, she did. Since money is an issue, HaeKyung doesn't want to bother them when it comes to paying for new things.


•You're holding in your hands the two halves of my heart•

Love interest

Bang Yongguk | 19 | He's the stubborn boy who sits in front of HaeKyung. Like her, he's anti-social and doesn't like dealing with people. When it happens, he becomes explosive and lashes out on those who try to get to know him.

Relationship with Character: At first, they aren't on social terms. In fact, they don't speak much at all. Somehow, (through story development?) and due to HaeKyung's persistance, they somehow manage to bring up some sort of relationship. Since the two are a little similar, they get along well - because HaeKyung is the only person to have ever listened to Yongguk. HaeKyung is interested because Yongguk is alike, and she finds his character mysterious.

Backup love interest

Kim Himchan | 19 | Same as above

Relationship with Character: Same as above

•You stole my star•

Second love interest:

Kim Himchan | 19 | He's the playboy of the school who has a different girl after every day, or every hour. He's into girls who "play-hard-to-get" and this is where he gets himself interested in miss Intelligent.

Relationship with Character: Himchan takes his time to get to know HaeKyung because he thinks he can win her heart. But, this is only difficult for HimChan, due to HaeKyung's quiet persona, she doesn't feel a tad bit dazed for Himchan's flirtatious ways. So, he hangs around her a lot, and finds Yongguk as his rivalry. He does his best to keep HaeKyung away from him - this, he doesn't know why. This would be the first time Himchan had ever experienced actual jealous - or frankly, actual feelings. Haekyung doesn't mind Himchan around, but she does get annoyed by him every now and then.

Backup second love interest

Choi JoonHong (Zelo) | 17 | Same as above.

Relationship with Character: Same as above.

Would you rather end up with your first or second love interest? First love interest, please. (:

•Gravity release me•

Comments, questions, concerns? I hope it was aliright for me to have changed the font and stuff a little. ; A ; .. ANYWAYS, THANK YOU FOR LOOKING UPON THIS APP'. I wasn't really sure if the this aff' was still open.. I tried though! THANKYOUVERYMUCH.

Requests? Mmmn~ Nope, not really~ :'D



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