Heaven Application


Who are You?

Username: Vanna0123

Link: CLICK!

Activeness: 8-9


You're Famous!~

Name: Jang HyunJung

Nicknames: Hyunnie

Age: 16

Birthdate: 07/23/96

Ethnicity: Korean

Blood Type: O

Birthplace: GwangJu

Hometown: GwangJu

Languages: Korean (Fluent), English (Conversational)


It's all about YOU!


I am a pretty happy person. Although I can get jealous easily, I'm a pretty understanding person who likes to laugh and smile a lot. I like doing things my way but I do listen well. I like to learn new things and meet new people. Since I am a type O, socializing is something I love doing. I dont like giving up and try my best to go all the way. I'm the type of person where if I am comfortable with you, I tend to hit you, but in a playful manner. Although I joke around a lot I know when to be serious. I have to say that my personality is very weird and contradicting but many people have said that thats my charm. But, overall I am a happy person.


Likes: Butterflies because I'm fascinated with their wings' movement. Candy because sweet things are my favorite food.

Dislikes: Slimy things because they feel really weird. Heights because my mom almost pushed me off a rail when we were in the shopping mall. 

Hobbies: Rollerskating, hanging out with friends, dressing up

Trivia: She has been a HUGE KPOP fan ever since she was little, looks nothing like her brother.


You're Beautiful!

Ulzzang Name: Hong YoungGi

Links:001 002 003 004 005 006 007 

Back-up Ulzzang Name: Choi EunHye

Links:001 002 003 004 

Weight: 43 kg

Height: 146 cm

Style: Oversized shirts, jackets, coats, cardigans. Skarves, hats and backpack. Leggings with shorts or jeans. Sneakers and boots. 


Casual: http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mc292dAoMV1qajo36o1_500.png




Formal: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbuovwresk1qajo36o1_500.png



Sleep wear: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=61289676

Recording: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=61289384

Dance Practice: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=61289585




Dad: Jang DongTae

Age: 54

Birthdate: March 8, 1958

Description: Pretty shy, seems like he's strict but he's really nice and supportive 

Dead or Alive?: Alive


Mom: Kim SeulHye

Age: 50

Birthdate: December 17, 1954

Description: A very cute person who loves girly things, likes to gossip and look at hot dudes. Acts like a teenager.

Dead or Alive?: Alive


Sibling: Jang DongWoo

Age: 22

Birthdate: November 22, 1990

Description: Very cute and happy, laughs and smiles a lot. We are very similar but he get's very scared easily and he doesn't make jokes. He laughs at them. He treats me very kindly and doesn't make fun of me at all. He is a neat person but, not much of a freak about it.

Dead or Alive?: Alive




Bestfriend: Yook SungJae

Age: 17

Birthdate: May 2, 1995

Alive or Not?: Alive

Personality: Very hyperactive and loves to do something. Acts silly and loves to make jokes. Also very smart. 

How you met: At school when I needed someone to eat lunch with.


Friend: Jung Ilhoon

Age: 18

Birthdate: October 4, 1994

Alive or Not?: Alive

Personality: Very sweet and cute. Likes to be funny but, it doesnt work. 

How you met: through SungJae



Stage Name: Hyun

Persona: Bubbly, Happy 

Years of Training: 3

Position: Lead Vocalist

Back-up Position: Sub-Dancer

Personal Fanclub Name: Sunny

Personal Fanclub Colour(s):              


My Love!!!

Love Interest's Name: JR

Group: NU'EST

Age: 17

Personality: Smart, shy and quiet, listens very well but doesn't like talking much

How you met: In school through SungJae

How do you act around eachother?: I'm always talking and making him laugh. Although he rarely talks, he listens attentively and tries to help me. We push each other around playfully. He likes to tease me a few times. 

Desired Scene?: He confesses



Back-up Love Interest's Name: ChangJo

Group: Teen Top

Age: 17

Personality: same as JR

How you met: he went into the wrong classroom, which was my class and I had to help him find his way.

How do you act around eachother?: Same as JR

Desired Scene?: Holds my hand at a random moment.


Ohh.. I just hate her/him..

Rival Name: Lime

Group: Hello Venus

Age: 19

Personality: Quiet and doesn't talk much. 

How did you become Rivals?: I was going to dye my hair the same color as her and we always end up wearing the same clothes. 


Say, Goodbye My Love~






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