Dear Kat-Unnie...






Hey, beautiful!



Before anything else (and before my homework haha!), happy birthday to you!  Happy 18th birthday today, and I hope you're currently having a great day all the way over there in Europe.  I'm really sad I can't hug you personally TT TT



I am honestly blank right now.  But here are five things why I love being your friend!  And why you're DAEBAK!



You're really beautiful.  I've never seen anybody with such attractiveness before, and the fact that you stay humble with it makes you even more beautiful.  I'm saying this as a dongsaeng: you're really, really, really pretty.  I know you're still 18 and marriage isn't really part of your vocabulary now, but I hope that when that time comes you find yourself a great husband that will take care of you and what makes you the wonderful Kat you are.



You're not afraid to dream big.  Remember when you said you wanted to go to Korea and be able to attend Dongguk University?  And I'm guessing 'YSH' stands for 'Yang Seung Ho'?  Kekeke~  Those are all really big, but you're not a bit intimidated by them.  I hope to be like you, a person who's not afraid of what the future holds.  (Ahh, hopefully Jinki is still single by the time I get older keke)



You're very intelligent.  First in class for 3 consecutive years?  Man!  What a great addition to your wonderful personality!  Not only you're beautiful and not afraid to dream big (there are more keke), you're also really smart.  I hope in the future you get this really great job that will pay you what you deserve with that beautiful brain of yours haha!  Wow, unnie, you're really awesome.



You're an amazing writer!  I've told my friends about you and your stories, and how I admire every single one of them.  I most especially love the titles of your stories ("Cure for Summertime Blues", "The House Behind the Magnolias", "Of Porcelain and Steel", etc.) because they give me ideas of what to expect when I read them.  But then, something unexpected comes!  I swear whenever I read your stories, I just have to keep on going because my mind needs it.  One day, I wouldn't be surprised to see your stories in the bookshelves of libraries and bookstores! ;D



You're everything a girl dreams to be.  I'm not the one to completely judge you, but even if I do, it's always good things that come out.  You're a strong and independent girl.  You're smart and an amazing writer.  A big-dreamer.  A very honest person who's not afraid to say what she feels.  Your parents are very blessed to have been gifted a beautiful girl named Catalina (right?  Aigoo, I hope I got your real name right ;;).



You're a wonderful addition to this messy planet we have.  Everyday as you live, the world seems to shine brighter each time.  I just feel the stars and constellations settling into their perfect position because you're here with us.  An angel sent from above?  I don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised if you really were.



Thank you for being born, for being my friend, for being an amazing role model.



Happy birthday!



Your dongsaeng who is so quiet,

Juhan <3




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TT~TT Are you serious on this one, dongsaeng?! TT.TT Really now...why did you have to say all those things about me and make me cry, huh? *sighs* Trust me, there are no words for me to thank you properly and there's no way to explain how wonderful I feel that you think this way about me, a mere student with no distinctive characteristc, just a human among the human of this world... Really, thank you and I do hope I will someday turn out to be exactly the way you're describing me above!
*bows* I never ever dreamt that someone would think this way about me TT~TT And I know that there are people that are polite to me and will stay that way beside me, but in their heart I'm just one of those who makes fool of herself just to take the limelight. I'm glad you don't see me that way. And just the fact that you're one of my first friends on AFF warms my heart evey single time I see you commenting on my blog posts or stories!
*huuugs* Thanks again, honey!
*giggles* BUSTED! *giggles* Yeah, YSH stands for Yang Seung Ho, my wildest and most impossible dream I ever had! I take dreaming as it is:a way to live the perfect life without having to pay anything for it. Dreaming is a way to project yourself in the perfect future. I don't know if I'll ever meet him outside the k-pop world, but I still hope I will someday^^
And yes, my real name is indeed Catalina^^
Thank you once again! I couldn't help but tear up when I read this... God blessed me with such great friends! TT~TT And indeed, I wish I could crush you into a hug now!^^ *HUUUUGSSS*
*giggles* Love your selca, Juhan! LOVE YOUR HAIR STYLE A LOT!!! *.* Why can't I look good with that type of hair cut?! TT.TT
Anyway...LOVE YOU!!!