нαρρy 100 ∂αy αηηιvεяsαяy

Wow, it's been 100 days since I've met my yeobo, TheOneDeidara.

I hope you guys aren't expecting any romantic , because I can't don't do that crap.
So... I just though I should tell the whole world that I love her and she's freaking awesome 

I didn't even realize that it was our anniversary, it seems so long ago but so close.
I think I'm hyper right now.

TBH, I'm probably the guy in our relationship.

Yeah, sleeping is definitely what I should be doing right now....


P.S. July 6th should be marked on all my friends calendars because that's when they should tell me and my baby congratulations.

If you don't then you're not my friend.

No cookies for you.

Look guys, I'm hyper...


or drunk. ◕‿◕


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lol GRATS!! and cutesy pic!! How are you doing with uni?! :)
hahahahahahahahahah cute!!!!!!
Dat pic is amazing XD

And July 6th..?