TAG! I'm It Apparently



1. Repost the rules.

2. Answer the 11 given questions then create 11 new ones.

3. Tag 11 people.

4. Tell those people that you tagged them.


tagged by: jjangqueen 

#1. Do you think you're awesome? Why?

Er, I don't really think I'm awesome? But people think I am...

#2. What's your favourite catchphrase?

My dear. I don't really know...

#3. If you were stuck with a kpop idol alone in your room, who would it be & what would you do?

OH HO HO. HYUKJAE. GET. IN. MY. ROOM. NOW. What would I do? SORRY. Then I'd have to tag this rated. 

#4. Big Bang or Super Junior? ( ooooh s bout to go down)

SUPERJUNIOR. SJ IN THE HOUSE. SUPER JUNIOR. S-U-P-E-R J-U-N-I-O-R Super Junior, the last men standing. 

#5. Who do you think deserves Rookie Of The Year, for boy groups, girl groups & solos?

Girls, I don't care about. Solos,  don't know.  B.A.P. FOR SURE. They're talented, work hard, quantity plus quality. 

#6. Shorts or jeans, and why?

Jeans because they're comfy 

#7. What do you think of me?

You? I think you're amazing ^^ 

#8. Is Jaehyo, Himchan or Sandeul derpier? why? 8D

Doesn't know any of them but Himchan. 

#9. Which groups aren't you fond of?

Er, I wouldn't say not fond... okay C.N.Blue 

#10. Do you like ? (/coughs I don't though LOL)

Er, naw. Shipping is purely bromance 

#11. If you could have any special power what would it be & why?

OOHH. To control time. Because I need to. 


I'm not going to tag anyone. But if you see this and want to do it, be my guest. If you do it, drop me the link. I wanna see your answers to my questions ^^ 


My eleven questions:

1. Who's your ultimate bias?

2. Do you like cute girl groups or fierce ones?

3. If you met one KPop idol, who would it be and why did you choose him/her?

4. SM, YG, JYP, LOENT. Which?

5.  Favorite boy group? Girl group?

6. Reason why you came to AFF

7. If you could marry a non-bias, who would it be?

8. What do you REALLY think of Gangnam Style? Good, overrated, or deserving the popularity?

9. What would your role be if you were in an idol group?

10. The one idol gruop you were dragged into liking and now likes a lot.

11. Do you guys have any oneshot requests? ^^ Any idol as long as I've heard of them. 


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Kris-C25 #2
May I just answer here.. lol~ I'm bored and so I'm just gonna take a few questions~ :) LOL

1. Cho Kyuhyun~ followed by Im Yoona~ <3 hehe~
2. eh.. The fierce ones? lol~ I dunno~ both? ERGH! whatever fits their image I'd go for it~~ :)
3. Im Yoona. So we could share our so 'brilliant' laughs~ :) LOL~ hahaha~ and I could ask her who's her top 10 closest male friends~ HAHAHAA. and I'd hope to see my #1 bias there (a shipper 's heart attacked . lol .. just kidding 'kay. but it might happen. who knows?)
4. SM.and LOENT. hehe~ lol~
5. Super Junior. T-ara
6. to read tons of KyuNa fics and to make YoonKyuRi fics. lol~ HAHAHA. and.. to make new friends.. add to that is to escape my world here. lol
7. ugh? ergh? I dunno~~.. I'm married to Lee hyun Woo already~ .. I'm very sorry

/gets shot by a bullet
8. Good. well~ that's PSY's music and I think he deserves the fame he gets now~~ but he doesn't deserve BASHERS. bashers please go to the right 'kay? hahahaha~ lol just kidding. let them have their own lives.. I don't really care..~ as long as everybody enjoys and no one's hurting~
9. nothing. LOL. Main Dancer and failed Vocalist HAHAHAAHA
10. huh? uh...~~ SNSD? lol
11. yeshu.~ LOL~ You've done KyuNa fics already~~ do you mind if you make a KyuRi (Kyuhyun & Yuri) oneshot too?

/gets shot by super lame answers
I'M GONNA DO THIS. /glomps the computer screen/
/out of my mind/
chenle #4
I want to do this but I am on my phone! TT^TT