i dont know WHY ON EARTH havent i thought about posting here before....but i need helllllllllp elf or not.....if u can help then please do....


super junior song "from you" that was "a song to elf" in SS3...I NEEEEEEED A vocal-removed ver of it or instrumental or nearly ANYTHING withOUT THEIR VOCALS...or maybe an instrumental but to be very accurate with the music.....


it's been more that a month me and my friends are searching for it BUT CANT FIND A GOOD ONE!!  i need it for audition on monday... PLEASEEEEEEEEE GUYS HEEEEEEEEELP T_T   


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sleepylips #1
have u tried searching on youtube?
I think the music without the voice is called a 'minus one'
or you search under the tag instrumental.
sorry can't help you more :(