死神機関 ✖ Shinigami Institution ✖Choi Ahnri's Application


Nurse Choi Ahnri

Insanity is waiting for you

Aff User Name: -xmunstrr

Profile Link: click, yo!

What do you want me to call you?: Alexis

Waiting to eat your heart

Character's Name: Choi Ahnri

Nicknames: n/a

Age: 21

Birthdate: 06 | 24 | 1992

Ethnicity: Korean

Birthplace: Jeju Island, South Korea

Hometown: Jeju Island, South Korea

Languages: Korean (native) ; Madarin (fluent, learned during junior/high school)

Ready to take your mind


Ahnri is an outgoing girl with an infectious smile and soft, sweet voice. Most people tend to wonder if there's ever a moment that she's not smiling. Whenever you see her she's always happy, cheerful, and ready to go. Her upbeat attitude tends to rub off on others or put those sour, non-morning people off. Everything seems to be all pixie dust and rainbow sunshine to Ahnri. She loves to see other people smile, and it pains her whenever she sees someone hurt, which is exactly why she wanted to work with sick people, to help them. She seems to have the greatest intentions in everything she does and doesn't usually mean to hurt anybody. She loves to make people smile and has a bit of a sense of humor. Though most people won't admit it, there's something about Ahnri that makes her pretty likable and makes them want to get to know her, she's very charming.

Ahnri is very friendly. She isn't afraid to go up to a random person and start a conversation with them. Although she does tends to sometimes into other people's business and try to probe and get to know more about them, she only wants to help. She likes to listen to people just as much as she likes to talk. She's very motherly and is viewed as a big sister to many people younger than her. She's patient and extremely gentle. Though, she is very protective over the people she loves. She tries her best to avoid arguments and tries her best to find a compromise rather than being in an argument. She can be quite indesicive when she's stuck in the middle of a dispute and usually finds herself running from her problems and if you got to know her, you'd find that she's actually quite self conscious and over thinks things way too much.

Ahnri also is a bit childish and may be a bit oblivious, making her a bit vulnerable. She tends to trust a bit too easily than she should, which may cause her to get hurt very easily. She's viewed as an idiot, not only because of her obliviousness, but because she's one to forgive and forget. Her gullibility and her obliviousness makes her an easy target for manipulation, and she tends to fall for the same trick over and over because she tends to see only the good in people, which can be very blinding. She has this almost delusional thought that just because most of the time whenever she does something she means well, that so does everyone else. She's very sensitive and can be brought to tears quite easily if the right topics are brought up. She's also a bit more clumsy than the average person, but she always laughs at herself whenever she trips. 

Although she does have a bit of a childish, overly-optimistic view on the world, she is actually quite wise. She gives great advice and seems to be motherly towards everyone. She is very emotional and may rely on her emotions rather than her head. Consequently, she tends to be quite impulsive and may face danger because of this sometimes. Ahnri is very determined and won't back down from anything, she always tries her best to finish whatever she's started. Even if she does happen to see the bad in people, because of her quickness to form attachments and bonds with people, she tends to believe that she's able to change them and may stick around even if she shouldn't, she's actually quite stubborn.

Ahnri is also known as a bit of a country bumpkin, coming from a small village on the island of Jeju. This is her first time actually going to mainland Korea and it's absolutely amazing to her. Her curiosity drew her to the mainland and to a mental institution where she could help people. People find it quite entertaining when they talk to her about the huge cities and her face literally lights up and her expression turns from shocked to extremely interested. Seeing the cities have always been her dream, since she was a little girl. She gets extremely excited whenever going to the city is mentioned and always asks something like "What is Seoul like?" or "Do they do ___ in Seoul too?" She's very day-dreamy and imaginative. She's lived the sheltered life, and doesn't really know what to expect.

Contrary to popular belief, Ahnri is actually quite intelligent, or else she wouldn't even be working there in the first place. She mainly just acts as an idiot and as if she doesn't notice anything just to preserve her reputation as the "smiling idiot girl without a care in the world." She's stubborn, but in her own way a bit of a pushover since she allows people to think that they've manipulated and used her. She's very observant and can read people very well. She notices very small changes in behavior and seems to notice almost everything that goes on around her. She tries to hide all her sadness, but sometimes finds it very hard to and just cracks. She hates to show people that side of her, but it sometimes happens. 


• cherry blossoms

• nutella

• ballads

• sweets

• green tea

• peppermint

• k-indie 


• coffee

• rainy days

• long car rides

• being called an idiot

• crying

• seeing people hurt

• loneliness


• making new friends

• listening to music

• taking walks

• talking to people

• helping people

• baking


• Good/Neutral Habits

+ cleaning up after self

+ tapping fingers

+ singing in the shower

+ humming when doing things (baking, walking, etc)

• Bad Habits

- probing into people's personal lives

- sleeptalking

- overlooking the bad in people

- acting on an impulse


• she drinks green tea every morning

• her favorite artists are Vanilla Acoustic, Milktea, and Juniel

• her favorite color is purple

• her celebrity crush is actor Lee Min Ho

• she loves vanilla and chocolate ice cream

• her favorite cake is strawberry shortcake

• she really wants to see Namsan Park

• she didn't grow up with things like a tv, so she's really curious about those types of things and gets really amazed when she sees huge televisions and such.

• she can play the piano


• death

• lots of blood

• bugs

• tight, closed off places

• ending up alone

And make it something new

Ulzzang Name: Kim Seuk Hye | Joo

Pictures: P R I M A D O N N A

Back up Ulzzang Name: Ryn from Cherrykoko

Pictures: T E E N I D L E

Style: E L E C T R A H E A R T  ; sweet and girly.

That you don't know anymore

Patient One:

Lu Han | EXO | 22 | Psychopathy ; Narcissistic Personality Disorder ; Substance Abuse

How did he end up here?:

Luhan wasn't always a sociopath. In fact, he was actually a really sweet kid before. He was extremely popular, friends with practically everyone, and seemed to not have a care in the world. Luhan had the money, the looks, and the brains. He had it made. His parents began noticing a change in him in his later teen years. It wasn't a large change, but his mother could tell that something was wrong and his father soon caught on too. Whenever something wasn't perfect or he got criticism, he'd react almost violently. He used people to reach his goals, did all he could for more attention, even stole from people, and he didn't feel any remorse at all. He felt as if he deserved to be the almighty, most powerful person. He even lashed out at his parents quite a few times. His mother, who was quite worried and scared at the same time, decided to read up on mental disorders. After self-diagnosing him, she was still unsure. But after finding that Luhan had been abusing drugs, that was enough for her to have him sent to the ward, for rehab and to hopefully help him with his disorders, but Luhan hasn't forgiven her since.

First Encounter:

Ahnri first met Luhan when he was having a bit of an argument with a male staff member. It was time for breakfast and Luhan was refusing to leave his room and eat with everyone else, talking about how he could eat with "such low lives" and he wouldn't "associate himself with people of such low caliber." He was just being difficult instead of just simply following the orders of the staff member. She could tell that the argument was escalating, slowly, but it surely was, and she didn't know what this patient was capable of. She quickly just told the staff member to leave him be and let him do  what he wanted, just to ensure that both of them were safe. Although the staff member was still quite ticked off, she just didn't want to see anything bad happen to either of them. Her and the staff member walked off, but not before Luhan could flash her a smug look and a wink.

Risk Level: High ; Definitely a huge risk, with his manipulative ways. He's a sociopath, and isn't afraid do resort to certain measures to get what he wants. A close eye is needed to be kept on him, as he's unpredictable and very manipulative. He needs to know that he has all the power and control over a situation and seems to have himself on a pedestal and looks at everyone else as if they were peasants. He has the thought that he doesn't need to be he and doesn't know why he is.

Patient Two:

Kwon Jiyong | Big Bang | 24 | Disociative Identity Disorder (aka Multiple Personalities) ; Self Harm ; Pyromania ; Alcohol Abuse ; Borderline Personality Disorder

How did he end up here?:

Jiyong had always been the jokester, not taking anything too seriously, and always with that goofy grin on his face. He never really took anything seriously and was a friend to everyone. It took a while for his friends to notice a change in behaviors with him. Some days he'd just straight up ignore his friends, then the next he'd go talk to them as if nothing was wrong. They began to worry about Jiyong. One night when Kyung had taken over, he had decided to go and set an old abandoned house on fire due to his pyro-manic tendencies. Kyung used his lighter to set the house on fire. Jiyong quickly took over and was confused as to why he was in front of a burning house. Kyung told him he did it, that he was guilty and continued to make Jiyong feel guilty by blaming him. Of course, Jiyong was used to Kyung saying things like this but still felt an immense wave of guilt wash over him. He called 911 and quickly had the fire put out. He was taken to the police department where he was questioned. He was soon tested for mental disorders before trial and was let off without a charge, he was sent to the ward to help him after he was deemed mentally unstable.

First Encounter:

Ahnri was walking through the hallways towards the cafeteria to get some lunch. But as she was walking, Ahnri, being the day dreamer she is, wasn't really paying attention to where she was going and bumped into Jiyong. Since Ahnri is pretty petite and small, she fell to the ground. Jiyong responded with an angry, "Watch where you're going," but his attitude quickly changed and he repeatedly apologized and helped her up. Ahnri was quite confused as to why he was angry at first but quickly began apologizing but she accepted the apology anyway. They quickly exchanged names and went their separate ways, but not before Jiyong could sneak in another apology to her.

Risk Level:

Medium ; regular Jiyong is a kind person, but the other Jiyong, who calls himself Kyung, has impulsive, erratic, and unpredictable tendencies that make him a danger to others and to himself. he may have some other alters, but the ones most commonly seen are just regular Jiyong and Kyung. Jiyong knows about Kyung's presence and Kyung tends to disrupt him and talk to him and the other alters(if there are any) in his head, but doesn't know how to get rid of him/them.

Patient Three:

Lee Jieun | Solo | 19 | Depression ; Schizophrenia ; Self Harm ; Selective Mutism

How did she end up here?:

Jieun has been tormented by the voices every since she reached her later teen years. At first she was able to put up with them, but their comments became nastier and nastier each day. She couldn't stand it. All they'd say is "she doesn't really care about you," "how about you just go away, it's not like anyone would care anyway," "you should get her back, they don't really care about you. they're using you," and other things along those lines. She'd have frequent hallucinations, making just getting by every day a chore. All the things the voices said caused her to go through a withdrawl. She'd stay in her house, wouldn't respond to any calls, and practically just kept to herself. It all became too much for her and one day she decided she wanted to end it all, she walked to the nearest bridge and stood on the ledge. Before she could actually jump, a police officer quickly grabbed her and had her sent to the nearest ward for a test. She came out positive for Depression and Schizophrenia, with obvious evidence of self harm. The Selective Mutism didn't being until a little after being sent to the ward.

First Encounter:

Ahnri was going around the asylum, checking on the patients before lights out when she found Jieun sitting in the corner of her room, quietly mumbling to herself holding her head in her hands. She seemed very distressed. Ahnri was quite confused since she had never really seen Jieun around the ward, Jieun tended to stay in her room by herself. Ahnri decided that she wanted to see what was up with Jieun and she walked into the room and sat across from Jieun. Jieun immediately stopped talking and looked Ahnri straight in the eyes, she seemed scared. Ahnri tried to ask Jieun what was wrong but Jieun wouldn't reply. After trying to talk to Jieun a couple more times, she was forced to leave since she had to tell the other patients that it was almost time for lights out, so she left. But Ahnri was determined to get Jieun to open up to her.

Risk Level: 

Low ; she's not a risk to others, but a huge risk to herself. she continuously complains about how the voices tell her to hurt people because they don't care about her and such, but she seems too timid to actually carry out those plans.

Backup Patient:

Kim Heechul | Super Junior | 29 |Histronic Personality Disorder ; Bipolar Disorder Narcissistic Personality Disorder ; Intermittent Explosive Disorder ; Alcohol Abuse

How did he end up here?:

Heechul has always been known as a bit of a Drama Queen(King), so diagnosing him and noticing the signs of his disorders was a bit harder to do. Most people in Heechul's life had gotten used to his eccentricity and his slight habit of acting a bit like a diva. They understood that Heechul was Heechul, and nothing they said, did, or thought would change that. But it was one day when they had felt something was a bit off with Heechul that they began to worry about him. They found that Heechul would often be extremely happy and almost hyperactive at one moment, but sulking the next. His girlfriend of 4 years at the time, Hwang Jinah, found that she couldn't stay with Heechul anymore because of his extreme mood swings broke up with him. Heechul turned to alcohol and began to abuse it daily. His friends and family were worried and confronted Heechul about his drinking problem. He responded with a violent explosion of anger. His family and friends admitted him to the ward for his alcohol problem and later found that he actually had a plethora of mental illnesses that had yet to be addressed.

First Encounter:

It was a pretty normal day in the institute, but today Ahnri was assigned to work with the alcoholics that day. It was her first time, so she was actually quite confused but had been given guidelines by Jia so that she wasn't completely clueless, but Ahnri decieded she wanted to take her own spin on the alcohol therapy. The group of alcoholics gathered and took a seat in a circle. She had seen things like this in movies and thought that maybe, just maybe it'd work here too. She had them all go around in a circle and introduce themselves by saying their name, age, and maybe just a sentece or two about themselves. She started with, "Hi, I'm Choi Ahnri! I'm 21 and I'm in love with Lee MinHo." The introductions continued until it reached Heechul. Heechul was in a pretty bad mood and didn't want to do it. Ahnri tried to coax Heechul into introducing himself since she wasn't familiar with him but he got up abruptly, flipped his chair over angrily, and stormed out of the room. The room was silent for a while, but Ahnri eventually decided to continue with the therapy session.

Risk Level: Medium ; He seems to seek attention a lot, maybe a bit too much. He likes to be the center of attention and seems to only care about himself. He also doesn't seem afraid to trample others to achieve his goals and has an exrtremely short temper. His mood also tends to swing a lot. Though, he's actually not that big of a risk, as long as you don't anger him.

Who is your main love interest:

Luhan ; she really feels as if she has the ability to change him.

Then you don't exist anymore.


welp, here's mah app~~ i made ruhan a bad bad baddie, and same with gdragon huh. oh my gosh, i wanted to stick heechul in my app sooo much, but if i did, i could only picture him having the same disorders as luhan and i thought the idea of someone with an innocent-ish babyface being all deadly and manipulative was awesome, so i didn't. i was also stuck on adding iu. i didn't know if i wanted to make a timid depressed person or switch her out for a cold, depressed person, or a socially anxious person who acts cocky and covers his feelings. sheesh. i don't know, these were my top 3. anyway, i hope you have an easier time with your decisions than i did. I don't really mind if you switch my main love interest, feel free to tweak my app if ya' need to. hope you liked my app!

[201012] edited. heechul has been added. i just decided to swap jiyong out for heechul whenever. i really liked the way he turned out so, yeah, i don't mind. feel free to go all out with heechul's diva-ness, lol~ sorry it took me like, four days, i just had a bunch of stuff popping up and my laziness has been getting worse ever since school started. urgh. anyways, hope you liked the way heehee turned out.


um, none.

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