Of ℬoys and ℳermaids ♡ [app]





► I'm the pearl

         AFF Username: XxChuu

         Profile Link: clique;

         Nickname: Alexis


 'Cause I'm no ordinary girl

         Character Name: Azalea

         Mermaid Power:  Hydro-Thermokinesis

         Age: 18

         Birth Date: February 03, 1994

 This is my fantasy

         Appearance: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]

         Fin Color: Salmon Pink

         Style: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]


► The world's my oyster

         Personality: Azalea is a confident, crazy, unpredictable person. She befriends people very easily and finds it easy to go up to complete strangers and talk to them. She's a daredevil and isn't afraid to do anything. She never backs down from a dare and you'll rarely ever see her scared. She can be a bit arrogant at times and is extremely competitive. She's persistent and will never give up, no matter how much the odds are against her. Azalea is pretty laid back. She doesn't sweat the small things, and usually doesn't sweat the big things, or the things she should care about, that much either. She's pretty carefree and can be a bit of a procrastinator. Sometimes she can be compared to one of those stereotypical skater boys who don't really give a crap about much. She just wants to have fun and do stupid stuff in life. Why take life seriously, no one gets out alive anyway.

                              Azalea is also a bit hot-headed and very stubborn. She doesn't really like being told what to do, or being forced to fit into a certain mold. Azalea is Azalea, and if you don't like that, for you. She can be kind of quick to anger but can cool off pretty easily if she takes a walk or goes for a swim. She has a sharp tongue and can come up with a comeback for anything or insult you so bad you run back home to your parents. She's the type of person that is way too impatient to wait for karma to take it's toll, so she takes that into her own hands by getting revenge on people when they do something to piss her off or hurt her friends. Azalea can be compared to a young child. She loves to get what she wants, and hates it when she doesn't. But she usually does know how to get what she wants, of course, by using blackmail. She can be really evil when she wants to be. People tend to underestimate her because she is a bit on the "Dumb Blonde" side, but she knows a lot more than people expect her to know and she knows how to use her knowledge against her rivals.



         Hair Dye; I LOVE that stuff~~

         Seashells; I love seashells, I have a collection of all the pretty ones I've found

         Funnel Cakes; YUMM! I love these things with powdered sugar, melted chocolate, and strawberries topped off with a bit of whipped cream.

         Disney Movies; Disney movies are pure genius.

         Parties; I'm sorry for party-rocking! I love me mah partays~

        Sweets/Junk Food; haha, McDonalds and the local candy store are like my best friends.

        Comedies/Comedians; Laughter is the best medicine...Not sure what that really means but, I love to laugh so...HAHAHA

        Music; I love to sing and dance like nobody's watching to all the latest hits~ I love LMFAO, Rihanna, and Lady Gaga the most~

        Horror Movies; Bring 'em on! I ain't scared!

        Flowers; I have never seen anything like these before. My favorite are Daisies~ I love to collect them and wear them in my hair.

        Smoothies; My favorite are strawberry-banana~

        Astronomy; I love to go stargazing while lying on the beach.


        People touching my stuff; Don't touch my stuff or I. WILL. BITE. YOUR. HEAD. OFF.

        "Chick-Flicks"; I fall asleep during these movies. I can't stand them.  

        Cauliflower; Who was the idiot who decided to even grow this stuff. It tastes horrid. 

        Creeps/Stalkers; I've been stalked once...by some weird thing that humans call 'Dogs...' It started sniffing me, me, and then it started to follow me...weired huh? 

         School; I snuck into a class once to observe...It was absolutely, positively, the worst experience ever. The teacher wouldn't shut up. It was like sitting through one of my father's long lectures.

          Jelly; They probably make it from jellyfish. Gross.

          Being Woken Up Early; If it's before 11 am, I don't want to be woken up. I don't care if I'm late for some darn wedding. I. WANT. MY. SLEEP. Get it? Got it? Good.


         Flipping Hair; Now don't you dare go comparing me to that Justin Bieber person.

         Fanning eyes after laughing too hard; I can't have my tears mess up my eyeliner, my waterproof eyeliner is reserved for underwater only.

         Smacking Lips; I only do this after I've tried something for the first time and I'm trying to determine if I like it or not.

         Eating candy in color order; I eat the red skittles first, then orange, then green, yellow, and purple. It's just some weird thing I do...

         Biting the end of my straw; I just started doing this...I don't know why though.


         x. The first time I got my hair dyed was an accident, I walked into a hair shop and I asked for an aquatic look and they dyed my hair blue and green. I was in love. Since then, I've been a regular~ [ Aquatic Hair | 2 ]

         x. My favorite movies are Finding Nemo, The Little Mermaid, Ponyo, and Paranormal Activity 1, 2, and 3.

         x. I have a beautiful pet dolphin named, Pippy~

         x. I love to stargaze and cloud watch

         x. I have a collection of buttons. They're so cool~ My favorite button is this one[x] because it looks like a daisy.

         Human Life confusions:

         x. TV; I love movies and such, but how do the pictures show on the screen? Do they trap little people inside the box and force them to act for other people's enjoyment?

         x.  Phones; It's so interesting how you can hear someone else's voice even though you're far away. I like to call random numbers and talk to people, it's so cool!

        x.  Facebook; Everyone mentions it everywhere. What is it? Do you stick your face in a book? Cause if you don't, I don't think I've been Facebooking correctly...

        x. Cars; Their big, fast, and make weird noises... I almost got hit by one once. Cars need to watch where their going!

        x. Dogs and Cats; They make strange sounds like...woof or meow...I try to mimic these sounds to communicate with these creatures...i've never seen anything like them.

        x. Cameras and Video Cameras; How do they capture a memory and reshow them...Key told me they take a piece of your soul...


► We've got to stick together

         Relationship with your pack: Azalea rebels. Tell her to go right, she'll go left. She's extremely hard to handle and sometimes can heads with people in the pack. Although she is the rebellious one in the pack, she cares for them dearly and would do anything in a heartbeat to save them or get them out of harm's way. She loves her pack like they're her family and would do anything for them.

         Friend: Kim 'Key' Kibum | Key is a huge diva. He's even more of a diva than most of those stuck-up human teenagers I've seen. He's blunt and doesn't usually censor himself or think of what he's saying before he says it. Because of this, he may unintentionally, or intentionally, hurt someone's feelings. He's extremely detail oriented, and barely anything can get passed him without him noticing it. He's hard to satisfy and extremely hard to impress. But other than the traits above, he's actually very caring towards his loved ones. He's usually extremely positive and has an upbeat personality that can keep you on your toes. | Key is like the older brother I've never had. we crack jokes together and he knows how to make me laugh. He can always get me back into a good mood when I'm down. He usually tries to keep me out of trouble and doesn't like me doing daring things. Key can be pretty protective over me at times. But he just doesn't want to see me get hurt. I always tell Key about everything going on in my life and he can usually give me advice if I need it or laugh at my stupidity. We are best friends~~


 Come along it just get's better

         Love interest: Kai | D.O.

         Personality: Kai is very rebellious. He doesn't usually follow the rules or normal formalities unless he absolutely has to. He has a bit of an arrogant or cocky aura to him and is extremely competitive, even when it comes to the simplest things. He's confident. He's also a bit of a daredevil, and isn't afraid to do pretty much anything. He can be a bit of a flirt and is usually pretty persistent when it comes to getting things he wants.

         Why you like him: He keeps me on my toes. There's never a boring moment with him. He's fun-loving like me and we always have an awesome time when we're together. He does have his moments where I just can't stand him, but there are times where he can be a real sweetheart. Did I also mention that he's kinda hot?

         Relationship with each other: Azalea and Kai are rivals. They try to outdo each other and engage in stupid competitions like, who can do the most back flips without falling on their face after or who can finish their French fries first. They make fun of each other and tease each other like brother and sister. Even though they are oblivious to their obvious romantic tension, everyone else can tell and they deny it by saying things like "Ew, her? No way!" or "Ew, why would I ever like him?"


 This is our adventure

         Scene requests: None really~

         Comments, concerns? They learn the language by kissing them huh?? :3 Not that I expect you to actually tell me if I'm right.... 

         Anything else? Um, HELLO MY FRIEND! i'm sorry...I just watched these weird videos by this Russian guy and he always starts them out by saying "HELLO MY FRIENDS~" with his amazing Russian accent. GOOD LUCK MY FRIEND~



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Omg was i really that obvious?! How were you able to guess it? -.-
not that im admitting that kissing them is the answer or anything....