I might be going on a haitus..

So, my grades are really bad.


I'm failing my math class, and I'm missing four assignments.


My mom is gonna flip. She'll take away all my technology and ground me for a month, again. No technology means no updates.


No story updates.


No blogs.


No access to any of the stuff I have online.




I won't even be able to check my grades because they're on the computer.


Or do the research I need for all of my essays.


Or be able to complete any of my projects because they're all done ONLINE.



And it's not good. Grades close tonight for progress reports and the only thing I can hope is that I did well on my test today because my grades are literally going to get me kicked out of my house by my mother.



So, does anyone live in Connecticut or Rhode Island or New York that I can bunk with...???



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Don't look at me. I'll be getting disowned.
Waaaa grades are definitely more important! I'm sorry I don't live in america but you can always fly over and bunk with me! ;3