Special To Me Review

Title: 5/5
The title really fits the story.

Description: 7/10
I think that the description is okay but just a little bit complicated and not detailed enough

Plot:30 /30

No problem with the plot

Flow: 6/10
I dont really understand some parts because its a bit confusing for me

Characterization: 13/15
The characters are great but just make it a little better.

Grammer and Spelling: 17/20

I spotted a few mistakes and typos
"Chanyeol doesn't like carrots! Or razzberries"=Chanyeol doesn't like carrots! Or raspberries
His eyes widened and he but his lip = His eyes widened and he bit his lip
He ran away and i struggled to
catc up=
He ran away and i struggled to catch up
Thats all

Overall Enjoyment: 8/10
Although its a bit confusing but i enjoyed the story

Tips For the Future:

Just make it less confusing

Grade mark:




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Hi. The majority of the people who asked to become reviewers had actually no experience in reviewing.
dont worry, u r accepted, so ill just get that out of the way. before i open the shop, i will be giving reviewing lessons and will be showing u a few fanfics that u can read so that u can learn how to review better and all. then ill be holding a few more tests and until im satisfied with the reviewing, then ill open up the shop, because from I see, all the people who have taken this test so far, have not been very detailed with their reviews.
but its ok. u said u havent reviewed before and i understand that. so, for now, ill give u an example review. just look at it. thats all im asking :P once all the test reviews hav been taken in, ill inform everyone of the rules and all.

thanks for applying! fighting ^^