A stranger makes me going crazy!!

Im going crazy right now.. i feel want to smack my head! why i must fall in love with a STRANGER??!! you know, COMPLETELY STRANGER!! before this, i love to see him from afar.. i adore his eyes, his sparkling eyes! i love it to death... but i never thought i will fall in love with him.. i thought that i am just his fan... just fan... but, tonight i realized that IM FALLING FOR HIM! thw worst thing ever is I DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HIM EVEN HIS NAME!! he also DONT KNOW  THAT I EXITED IN THIS WORLD! how can i have feeling towards someone who never look at me and completely stranger in my life??!! IM GOING CRAZY RIGHT NOIW!! Help me....!!


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HAHA! That happened to me last Saturday! Now I'm being set up on a blind date with him which is bad... A complete stranger.../
were same but only crush it happened to me so many times
were same but only crush it happened to me so many times
omg haha i sorta get wha tyou mnea, except i don't love him :) just always happen to see him around school haha :P
haha be brave enough to go up to him and try to get to know him i fyou want to chingu ^^ or ask around if anyone you know knows them :) hwaiting!!!
OMG... Same...But I had to forget... I saw this guy at the park walking around... And I was like dieing... I was like insane!!
Dude me too...
I just like saw this boy in the mall and i was like..
Be mine.
OceanLight #7
i can relate!! >.<
Umm, you can talk to him! Don't be shy, he doesn't even know he likes you yet! :D Just don't mess up your first impression! (I always fail mine since I'm ALWAYS a shy person)

Good luck anyway~
I can help you the professional is here..idill right?
who is that stranger btw??
an idol,,someone in school who?
oh! i have same feeling like this before. for half a year. and now already past 3 years still not completely forget him... i think he notice me too..when meet each other eyes, it's become awkward! haha.. oh... you make me miss him so much!