I'm soooo sleepy T-T (i'm gonna crash)

I went to bed at like 4:49am and i gotta go some where at 2:00pm and now i'm so sleepy and keep falling asleep at the computer T-T i knew i should have went to sleep now i'm gonna be saying stupid stuff like a drunk person and then finally crash =_= huh i gotta start sleeping but the only free time i have is really late because everyone is asleep AHH! what should i do i wanna have time alone to myself just to do what i like but i also wanna rest and not crash in the morning T-T


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JiHae1 #1
Yeah i do that sometimes to >.<
RawrrBaby #2
:( I sleep around 2 and wake up at around 11.... <br />
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JiHae1 #3
XD i don't know maybe i'll just sleep in the morning like you
I don't know;(I always can't sleep in the night so I sleep in the morning I know it's weird but in school I sleep in night