I Hate math and songs I really like now. ♥

Math. Is. So. Annoying.

So I'm doing homework right now and math is just so annoying, I really hate it homework is something that gets you worked up about something as simple as numbers or letters. I don't like that kind of atmosphere I like living calmly listening to music drawing or reading doing simple things like that, but I know you need to practice these things but still its not something I like so I'll do it fastly.


Songs I love right now.

I really love all these songs so much right now.






Anyway I haven't been able to update a lot and I am so  sorry, because of my parents work I've had no time at all. I will try hard to update it though, so everyone be well alright bye bye, . ♥ 


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math...for me if it's algebra i'm happy if it's the rest of my calc hw i'd prefer to procrastinate my off
Depends on what you're doing. ;D