"I screwed up 36% of my teenage life"

[ ] Kissed someone before dating

[x] Gotten a phone taken away at school

[x] Gotten caught chewing gum

[ ] Gotten caught cheating on a test

Total so far: 2


[x] Arrived late to class more than 5 times

[x] Didn't do homework over 5 times

[ ] Turned at least 2 projects in late

[x] Missed school just because you felt like it

[ ] Laughed so loud you got kicked out of class

Total so far: 5


[x] Got your mom, dad, etc to get you out of school (I'm a nerd lol)

[ ] Text people during class (No texting on my phone lol)

[x] Passed notes (Occasionally)

[x] Threw stuff across the room (I'm VERY guilty at that lol XD)

[ ] Laughed at/abused the teacher (I think he regrets having me sit closest to him especially when my crazy friend was with me too! XD)

Total so far:8


[ ] Took pictures during school hours (Who doesn't?! lol My friends are camwhores and they make me LMFAO XD)

[]  Called someone during school hours (My dad...)

[x] Listened to iPod, CD, etc during school hours (Only when the teacher allowed)

Total so far: 9


[ ] Threw something at the teacher

[ ] Went outside the classroom without permission

[ ] Broke the dress code

[ ] Failed a class

[x] Ate food during class (Kill me, I was on my period and craving for something sweet, those gummy bears were sure GOOD lol)

Total so far: 10


[ ] Gotten a call from school (Does it count when it's for good thing? :/)

[ ] Been called the worst student (Only as a joke lol)

[ ] Punished on a school trip because you behaved badly

[ ] Didn't take your stuff to school (It's not my fault I walk home and have heavy textbooks)

[ ] Given a teacher the finger even if they were looking

Total so far: 0


[x] Faked your parents' signature

[x] Slept in class

[ ] Cursed at a teacher behind their back (I've had pretty chill teachers lol)

[x] Copied homework (I thank my friend Andre! Without him I would not have passed Chemistry! lol)

[ ] Got in trouble with the principal/vice principal/dean-counselour...

[ ] Thrown food in the lunch room(At least it wasn't a big food fight lol I'd be dead)

Final Result: 12


Multiply by 3


12 x 3 = 36


Repost as "I screwed up ___% of my teenage life"


Stolen from: TheLaughableOne  or 000095  


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naomi777 #1
haha lol !!!! i was like wow im good lol
I screwed up 39%!!!! :D Hahahaa I beat ya!!!