I'm so tired of this =_=

I REALLY love my brothers and sisters but there always following me around and there all so young and its starting to get annoying there always screaming lately and messing up things and trying to read what i write to people or look at what i watch and they CAN'T plus when they see things they don't know how to just watch it and live there life nope they take it to heart and do everything they see and its not like there 2years old i'm talking about 7 to 10 (yes there are younger ones but the don't do that) anyways i just wish i could get 1 break from all of this....................but like always i'll just smile if you smile through things it will always get better ^-^ (omg my sisters still sitting next to me huh just smile XD)


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JiHae1 #1
@LokiCraze123 Haha yeah why doesn't she talk?<br />
@sw33tfruitylo0 Yeah hopefully they will yes you have to be strong Fighting! ^-^
Aww you poor girl! :(<br />
Hopefully things will get better.<br />
And you're right, smiling does pull you out of everything.<br />
That's what I do. Even though my parents are criticizing me and telling<br />
me negative things, all I can do is smile in the end. ;D<br />
Be strong! Aja fighting! <3
Oh wow... I'd hate that. I sorta understand that with them following you and looking over your shoulders, but she doesn't talk! That annoys me more because I would ask her questions and she wouldn't answer! I want to talk to her but she doesn't talk to me -.-" it gets annoying after a while. Plus she talks to her parents and friends, but not her own cousin! T^T