To the Ruthless Haters on Asianfanfics



xwoobel on 9-30-2012 14:15:23 says:  
You look like you're trying too hard to be a cute Korean when you're obviously not. 
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That person above me, woobel had left a hate message on my wall recently. "woobel" specifically. They had made the account, just to leave some hate message on my wall. How funny and idiotic they are aren't they? It's just hilarious. They were completely oblivious that they had messed with the wrong person.   They had thought that just by making a account prior to leaving some hate message on my profile, that no one would even figure out who they were? HILARIOUS.

I'm a person who can work their way through technology, therefore I can do various things they don't know I can.                   For example, "woobel" here I had found their IP address very easily. By the way, I don't take bullying lightly.

They live in Canada. Specifically Alberta, Calgary.

 Laditiude: 51.0833 Longitude: -114.0833 IP Address: They live on 10ST NW, 32 AVE NW.

Oh, and by the way I found your address also.

600-630 3 Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2P 4L4, Canada


I'm smarter than you think I am.














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Hm I hope you don't mind me commenting ^^

I get you're upset at this person I would be to if I got a message like that it's annoying when people say stuff like that -__- But do you really think it was a wise thing to post his/her personal and private information like where he/she lives?

I get you're upset with him/her like I said but I think you should've just either reported the person or blocked them. It's kind of stooping to their level by posting where they live and stuff.

Sorry if I sound rude I'm just saying.
Wow.. genius..
You go girl!
That is so awesomeeeeee! I'm friending you. :D
How do you do that by the way? I have a couple of haters too.
LOL TO THE GIF PIC XD Cyber-Bullying is totally ... U know . Yeah , tht's the right spirit ! Don't take bullying lightly (:
forgot to add, u already r a cute little korean and u don't even need to try
that woobin was probably just jealous
wow~ go jiyoung!! that idiot definitely messed with the wrong person (that's my dongsaeng!) now i know who to go to if i get hate messages ^^ (i am so lucky i'm not ur enemy)
i would post angry comments for woobin too but doing an act of hate just because someone did it to me, or my friend in this case, IS WRONG

either way, GO JIYOUNG!! you did the right thing!! do u think woobin read this post?
LOLOL proness. Woobel just got pwned >;)
I needa learn how to do that :3
this is some...LAWLS.
moonjupp #9
lertts be frainds 8{D
Nice. Just nice.
Haha. ^^
You're so awesome, I can't even-

/friends you straight away
seriously. if i find the person out... im gonna kill
D< bish tryin to blame me.
Haha! OMG! So stupid!!