Co Ed App Thingy



AFF Username: DSCZImInsane

Profile Link:


Name: Axonienne Rose Gutierres

Nickname*: Ax, Hatchet, Snowball

Stage Name*: Axx


Gender: Female

Age: 19

Birthday: 11/20/91

Ethnicity: Filipina

Birthplace: Kalihi Valley, Hawaii


[5+ pictures for the following]

Ulzzang name: Ramiele Malubay

Ulzzang Links:

Backup Ulzzang: yukihana30

Ulzzang Links:




Shoes: whatever is shown in the polyvore set


Out and About:

Recording the Music:


On a Date:

[End of Pictures]


Personality: At first, she seems like the quiet, matter-of-fact , snarky, sarcastic girl that wears too much black. Once you get to know her, she's a risk-taking, funny, snarky, sarcastic girl that wears too much black. In all realit, she's a sweetheart that loves people unconditionally and believes in second chances. Don't let that fool you though, because she can still be particularly mischevious, so lock your doors at night or prepare to wake up with a new hairstyle.

Trainee Life: It was really hard for her to adjust, her coming from America. She had a crash course on Korean, so she's a bit unstable and thus she never really talked much and just accepted her fate. 

Background: Originally, Ax wanted to become a professional Freerunner and fight in the women's Strikeforce division in MMA. It all changed when her twin brother Nickolas said he was going to audition for the company. By this time, Ax was already sponsored by Urban Freeflow, Tapout, and various other sports companies by age 15. Her family went to support her brother during his audition. Jokingly, Ax signed up as well to see what would happen if she tried. In the end, she got accepted but her brother was put on a wait list. And her brother hasn't spoken to her since.


[5+ for the following]

Likes: -Alternative Rock Bands (Fall Out Boy, Green Day, My Chemical Romance, Sum 41)

- Peanut butter (reminiscent of her brother, who always had peanut butter)

- the color black

- Playing guitar

- talking in European accents to confuse people

Dislikes: -girly girls


- overloads of bright pink.

- when people talk behind other people's back

- When people don't believe in the supposed "impossible"

Strengths: - Always optimistic

- physically strong and sturdy

- Almost always knows the right things to say

- cares for everybody and doesn't matter who

- Has great ideas most of the time

Weaknesses: -has a slight stutter that only disappears when she sings

- doesn't know her own physical strength and might accidentally hurt other people, since she's used to roughousing

- Sometimes she says the right thing to say....but not at the right time.

- will abandon mission to help others instead

- Sometimes her "great ideas" are downright stupid.

Hobbies: -Playing the guitar

-playing the drums

- Freerunning/ Parkour

- practicing MMA from time to time

- drawing cartoon characters even though she at it

Habits: - subconsciously plays air guitar for no reason

- if you touch her without permission, she will growl

- her canines for no reason, mostly when she thinks

- before she sneezes, says "Pika!" ("Pika-ACHOO!")

- She runs around in circles a lot. Whether she's stressed, excited, confused, or just bored.

Trivia: - again, she has a slight stutter that only disappears when she sings, which probably isn't much

- She always tries to get in touch with her brother, but he never responds.

- She has always wanted to be casted in a musical like American Idiot.

-most of the time she carries around an electric guitar

-She gets awkward sometimes and will burst out into spouts of randomness.

- If she can't think of a witty comment, she will actually say " YOU I'M SPIDERMAN."


- Her guitars are: Her Acoustic Acoustic named Gun; Her mini fernandes(Fernandez mini with a built in amp) named Fernando; and her Red Epiphone SG  (Epiphone SG1400) named Gerard.

- She usually carries around Fernando, but sometimes carries Gun. Rarely carries around Gerard.


Blood Type: A

Languages: Spanish, English

Twitter: skyewinder123 (my actual twitter. lol)

Fears: -virtually nothing, basically death. 

- that something bad happens to her family when she's away


Parents: Lt. Stephen Gutierres- 40 (at time of death)- US Soldier- Father- he was a tough man with a big heart. He wanted his children to be strong and successful and thus frowned upon Nickolas' dream of becoming a performer, and favored his daughter's talent in martial arts and freerunning. (Dec'd in line of battle when the twins were 14)

Adrienne Carriedo Gutierres- 40 - Nurse- Mother- Kind and gentle hearted, she favored Nicky over her daughter and had him secretly take dance and voice lessons. She didn't like the fact her daughter was a fighter and forced her into voice and dance lessons opposite of her brother. When Axonienne got accepted over Nicky, she became even more distant to her daughter than ever.

Siblings: Nickolas Gutierres- 19- trainee- older twin brother- He used to be the suave, flirty, sweetheart that everyone loved, but now he's a cold hearted young man with a lot of resent toward his sister


Friends: Amber Liu-19-Idol-friend- Tomboyish and strong, she is Ax's role model and sister-figure.

How you guys met: Axonienne forgot her little electric in the studio. Amber returned it to her. They have similar styles, so they became friends


Best Friend(s): Keller Spitts- 20- Animation artist in the U.S.- Funny, sarcastic, and very wise. She knows Ax inside and out and gives her life advice.

How you guys met: Ax and Keller met back in their first year of High School, when they had Spanish class with each other.


Love Interest: Onew

Personality: Simple and kind, he loves life and is a really hard worker. He's a great listener and knows exactly what to do in certain times.

How you two act around each other: Like good friends. Ax doesn't know the concept of personal space, coming from America, home of no-personal-space-whatsoever, so she sits on him, hugs him when she says hi or bye, pokes him continually, etc.

Trivia: -he's an awkward clam sometimes

-CHICKEN. (you know what I mean)

How you two met: The company gathered all the artists in welcoming the new group. The girl with the darkest skin caught his eye first. He was intrigued, since she doesn't look Korean, or even Chinese.


Back-up Love Interest: Somebody from the group is fine.

Personality: Charismatic and very mature, he's determined in whatever he does and he's a big know it all.

How you two act around each other:  They insult each other on a regular basis, but it's all in good fun. They know their limits.

Trivia: He enjoys giving fanservice, and often uses that to tease Ax

How you two met: Again at the company gathering, He was bored and decided to talk to the new group. Ax was the only one who would joke back with him and he liked that.


Rival: Duke Donovan

Personality: With unkown spite, he sends her mean letters and pushes her. He makes sure that he makes her days hell.

How they became rivals: a couple of years into Ax's training years came a mysterious hot headed male who always covered his face when Ax saw him. Ever since he arrived, he has tried hurting her. Fortunately for Ax, he is unsuccessful most of the time.


How they act together: Duke tries to get inside Ax's ego and destroy her from there, to which Ax shakes off and walks away.


How were you discovered?: SM Weekly auditions in LA

Position: [pick top 3]

[ ] Leader, sub rapper

[x ] Main vocalist

[x] Lead vocalist, sub dancer

[x ] Lead dancer, sub vocalist

[ ] Lead dancer, sub rapper

[ ] Main rapper, sub vocalist

[ ] Lead rapper, sub dancer

[ ] Lead rapper, sub vocalist

[ ] Vocalist, sub rapper

[ ] Vocalist, visual (male)

[ ] Vocalist, visual (female)

[Provide 2 links for whatever applies to you]

Rapping links:

Dancing links:

Singing links:


Persona: Butterfly Knife- Edgy, exotic, and illegal in some places

Personal fanclub: Choppers

Fanclub colors:                         

Extra jobs*: stage and film actress, most of the time a stunt person

How many years did you train?: 4 years

Any previous companies you were in: Urban Freeflow Parkour Clothing Co.

Any shows you want the group to be in: Hello Baby (I honestly don't know what else there is)

Any shows you want YOUR character to be in: WGM sounds fun.


Suggestions: Ax doesn't know that Duke is Nickolas until he accidentally slips and forgets to hide his face in front of her, but she doesn't tell him she knows.


Scene Requests: How about one where one of the members or the manager wakes up with pink hair (surprise surprise). How that ends is up to you.

And if you don't mind, later in the story, you can put a romantic scene between Ax and her love interest... somehow.



NOW AN INTERVIEW! (answer as if you were your character)

me-hi ~~~~~! How are you?

you- (speaks in a slight english accent) Could be better, but yeah, I'm good.

me-cool! So I heard that you're going to be debuting in a new group?

you- (Switches to Irish) I would 'ope so, because that's what they told me.

me-how do you feel about that?

you- (back to english) Feels pretty great, y'know? It's been a dream.

me-really? Are you confident about your skills?

you- (regular California accent) Sorta kinda. Always some-th-thing I could work on.

me-ah, I see. *checks script* Okay, is there anything you would like to say to your members?

you- Sup.

me-haha, now let me ask you a random question. If one of your members got hurt trying to attract their crush, what would you do?

you- (Scottish Accent) Tell their crush off. Then kick his if needed

me-haha I see. Well before you leave can you say a word to the viewers?

you- Sup y'all. 

me-thank you ~~~~~! Well, I hope to see you soon!

you- (Ghetto street accent) Aight coo'



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