
Girl why you do this to me?


▬ » oh hey dar!

AFF username: purplekpop
What should I call ya? Jilly



▬ » uh-oh-oh-uh beautiful stranger.

Name: Jinlli

Nickname: JoJo, all my friends because I couldn't pronounce my English name as a child. 

Birthdate/Age: 19

Ethnicity: Taiwanese-Korean

Birthplace: Taiwan 

Hometown: Taipei

Blood Type: B



▬ » beautiful, mah gurhl!

Appearance: --> One | Two | Three | Four | Five 
Ulzzang name: Lee So Ah 

*I'm SO bad at this* 

Back-up appearance: One | Two | Three | Four | Five 
Ulzzang name: Bae Hyo Won 




Really not much. Pretty normal, wears glasses. 



▬ » you're a ma-ma-ma-ma-machine!

Personality: Yay for this part. Let's get rid of all the boring things first. Stubborn as anything, loves to have things go her way. Thinks she's normally correct most of the time and hates to be wrong. She's also really hard-working and tries her best in school. She has a quick temper and can flare up pretty quickly but gets over it really soon. She's also really kind and likes to make sure the people around her are treated fairly. She's not scared to say what's on her mind btu says so diplomatically. When stressed, she also has a streak of depression. (Sorry if it's boring, rushing cause I has AP Calc test) 



  • nighttime
  • basketball
  • listening to music
  • all things related to law
  • pandas
  • walking by the beach
  • the smell of cafes
  • books
  • mint chocolate chip ice cream
  • rain


  • taking the bus
  • inconsiderate people
  • snobs
  • people who don't know what they're talking about
  • eggplant
  • doing housework
  • holding people's hands
  • guys who break their promises
  • wearing miniskirts
  • short hair 


  • debating
  • writing and reading
  • singing
  • playing Quidditch :3
  • plays the clarinet 


  • biting lips
  • twisting hands when nervous
  • eye twitching when annoyed
  • happy spazzing, with hands and everything
  • cries easily


  1. She has a balance, not all happy and chipper and not all gloomy and emo.
  2. She is not super talented, but has a big heart.
  3. She has many quirks, and can be a bit sarcastic with an interesting sense of humor.
  4. She likes to befriend boys more often than girls because she thinks they're easier to talk to.
  5. She can speak three languages, English, Mandarin, Taiwanese and Korean but not well. 


  • snakes because they're slimy and can easily choke you, you can never outrun them (irrational fear)
  • mice because they can get anywhere (irrational fear)
  • random creepers on the train, has been stalked and had one corner her on the back of a bus, hence her dislike for buses
  • failure because her parents has drilled it into her head that failure is never an option and she had suffered some abuse from them when she brought back unsatisfactory grades 



▬ » all my love is for you!

Jing Yuan l 45 l June 23 l business manager / father

Eunjung l 42 l Janauary 23 l cosmetics instructor / mother

Jay l 17 l January 4 I student I little brother 


Friends: [[name | age | birthdate | occupation | status/relationship with character]]
LiLi I 20 I Janaury 26 I College student I best friend

Ying I 19 I June 20 I College Student/architect intern I best friend 


Family backgrond/history/past: She was born in America and has a Taiwanese father and Korean mother. She went back to Taiwan when she was 15 due to a move in her father's business. She goes to school in America and is currently in Korea for studying abroad. Her parents were harsh on her regarding schoolwork and would hit her if she ever made a mistake on her homework, so she has become scared of them. Her relationship with her parents are okay, she respects them but stays away. She's close with her brother and he is like her confidant. 



▬ » tell me, is this love?

Love interest: Jongdae , 20

How close are you? Not close at all 

How do you act around one another? Cannot be determined since we don't know each other 

*would totally have picked Kris but I'm not that type of girl :P So I go for my bias list wrecker*


Back-up interest: Suho, 21

How close are you? Just a friendly relationship, but she knows more about his softer side 

How do you act around one another? He treats her like he's her boss (which he is) and she tries to be his best freind, wants him to relax around her 


Ex-boyfriends? Jinki, 22 

How close WERE you? Very close, he was her first love and best friend before they dated. 

How do you act around each other now (if you still see them)? She still sees him around campus. 

Reason for break-up? The reason was because she moved to Taiwan and when she went back to America, he had already moved on. 



▬ » that xx!

Rivals: No thank you~ 

Why are you rivals?

How do you behave around one another?



▬ » baby don't cuh-raii!

Comments: If I sounded sarcastic or bored, I'm not. I really hope I get chosen and if you're like THIS IS CRAP, I would understand too. I just need to pass my test and I really hope I get chosen :3 I also want to say, my bias is Kris but JONGDAE. AKLHGDAKLGH Okay ^^ Love ya and good luck~

Suggestions: Just be yourself, trust your instincts and know that unni's always here for advice ♥


Rachel's y, although I think she'd rather Daehyun say that than me :P 



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