The cutest children praers i've ever heard. x333!!!!

"Dear God, When I am quit I sit by myself and think about how you are all around me. and that makes me feel happy. Amen"

"Dear Jesus, I don't think anybody loves me today. Everbody's grumpy and grouchy. But you're not. You love me and make me feel special. Always. I'm glad I'm your friend today. Amen. "

"Dear God, you made some pretty strange animals. A kangaroo with huge feet and a pocket for a baby, a spider with no neck and eight legs to trip over, and fruit bats that can only sleep upside down hanging on a tree! I think you are very smart, but I think you must also love to laugh! Me too. Amen. "

"Dear God, today my mom and dad had a fight. They sounded like they really hated each other. It made me scared. God, you know I love them both. Please take care of them and teach them to love all the good things about each other. Amen."

"It's not fair, God, you were supposed to make this world a good place! So why are there brothers? Stupid idiot brothers. you just can't expect me to love him! But i know you do. Dear God, I'm glad you are so strong because I need a lot of help from you to love someone I'm very angry with! Amen. "

"Dear Jesus, Eater is reall hard to understand. Why was Good Friday good if you died? Why did you have to die? Please help me to understand. I'm glad you came to life again, though. That I can be happy about! Amen."

Just thought to post about this, because I squealed at how adorable these were. :3


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Aww that one about the kids parents made me teary eyed. So cute.