▌Coby (Kenjirou) Nagasawa ▌ ☆┊Time for Change┊♥


 Application Form 

Applying for color: blue (Here’s Tobi’s brother!! ^^)




H e l l o   t o   m y s e l f




Name: Coby [Kenjirou] Nagasawa (Much like his sister, Coby is not his real name! Kenjirou is the name he was born and raised yet. He became Coby after moving to America as well.)


D.O.B. & Age: January 5, 1991 [Age 22] (Him and Tobi are close in age which explain their close relationship.)


Blood type: B - (Don’t know much about blood~)


Birthplace: Osaka, Japan (Kenjirou/Coby just turned 12 when they moved to America!)


Ethnicity: 1/2 Japanese, 1/4 Korean, and 1/4 Caucasian (English)


Languages spoken: Coby’s Japanese is fluent as well since it’s spoken in the household. Coby’s English however, unlike his sister’s, is flawless. He seems to have adapted well in America because he has completely rid himself of an accent. He isn’t learning Korean, but knows a few phrases from Tobi’s helping. 


Major: He has a BA in Graphic Design.


Dream job: He’s living his dream ^^ Or well he is content with what he does now.


Current job: He is the Graphics Designer for Nintendo, so he is working for his dad. (So this means he gets to see their father much more than Tobi does. Tobi will always ask him how their dad is doing. Vice-versa Coby is always giving her messages of encouragement from their dad.)


A small big wish: Like Tobi, Coby feels very... lonely. Having a similar past to Tobi’s with the constant amount of pressure put on him, he never had any friends as a kid. Now, even though he enjoys working for Nintendo, it can get even lonelier. He’s always kept behind closed doors since Nintendo does not want anything that he’s doing being leaked. He wants to be able to meet that someone for him and have children ^^ He would LOVE to become a father (he has the same love for children as Tobi.)


Status: Single (He doesn’t understand why though T^T He’ll constantly bother Tobi with the question, “Am I ugly or something? Do I just scare girls away or something?” He’ll constantly joke with Tobi on how she was lucky he was the “ugly” sibling. In all actuality though, he isn’t ugly!)


Special talent: He can paint beautiful portraits! (He mostly does artsy sort of things on the computer for his job, but he can do beautiful portraits in water color... He has a photographic memory to help with this.)


Persona: The “Fauxy” Playboy (Let me explain! So “fauxy” means fake or false in the sense I am using it. If you simply looked at him you’d plague him with the role of a playboy. He has that sort of playboy look to him. Then when you see how he is he’s naturally very charming~ Which doesn’t help his case. THIS is why he’s alone... Most “wife-potential” girls won’t like playboys... “” might ^^ He does NOT like , and if he comes in contact with one, you’ll see he isn’t so... nice to them. “Fauxy” sounds sort of like foxy, so it’s sort of like “The foxy playboy,” but now XD)


Motto: The creative adult is the child who survived. (Certain people *coughMOTHERcough* always reprimand him or scold him for being so childish. So he says this!)


Personal secret: He is slightly jealous of Tobi’s “Fame” in the modeling world. Though he still loves and cares for her ^^ He just feels in her shadow all the time. Let’s just say he LOVES the non-model Hoshi at the cafe’. You’ll never see the two communicate when Tobi is in her model self.



W h a t   m e e t s   t h e   e y e

Ulzzang name: Park Sang Il


Hyperlinks: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 


Back-up ulzzang: Park Changmin


Hyperlinks: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5


Others: none


Height (cm): 180 cm


Weight (kg): 54 kg


Fashion style: He likes to look good most of the time. So you’ll see him dressed nicely. Never too over the top though.



Casual - 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

Formal - 1 | 2 | 3 (Pretty Much The Same as His Casuals)

Home - 1 | 2 | 3

Sleep - 1 | 2 | 3


M y   s o u l ' s   v o i c e

Personality: Coby is MUCH less complicated than his younger sister. Just so you know!

Kenji/Coby comes off to most people as a “playboy.” He looks and seems like he is one of those typical “man-” I guess you could say. NONE OF IT IS TRUE! He has Tobi to vouch for him too! Kenji is probably the most sweet/childish guy you’ll ever meet! He is a gentlemen, which nowadays are mistaken for flirting. He will hold doors open for a women, he’ll give them his jacket if they are cold/in the rain, he’ll go through all this trouble for ANYONE. He does not like to see people miserable!

When I say he’s childish... I don’t mean he’s immature. I mean he can  be immature when he jokes around, but he’s actually much more mature than what meets the eye. He does however have a childlike innocence to him. He’s never had a girlfriend (Hard to believe, but true.) So he’s never kissed/made out with a girl before! He finds that quite embarrassing actually! The only interaction with a female he has is with his sister! And that involves hugs, pats on the head, and occasional noogies~ 

He is a protective person, so when or if he ever finds someone to love they’ll be well protected. He has that “big-brother” aura about him. He also LOVES kids! I mean he practically is one himself XD He’s extremely easy to talk to. He likes to joke alot and is sort of a joker! 

He is almost never seen being down, stressed, or anything negative of the sort. (He can get stressed or sad, but he just tries not to show it.) He always seems spunky and ready for anything that comes at him. He’s always up for a challenge (It’s a male thing I guess!) He’s the one that would calm you down if you’re stressed or have had a bad day. Yeah, he’s a child at heart, but he is still an adult and knows when to act like one.

So basically... He’s that guy next door that you think is a player, but ends up being the complete opposite.


Background: Kenji grew up in Osaka, Japan as the oldest sibling. When he was 12 years old him and his family moved to America. His childhood, like Tobi’s, was plagued with the constant pressure of being, “the perfect child.” Good grades, extra credit, sports, and all of that was A MUST for him. 

When they moved to America things got worse... For Tobi... Coby had enough of it when he hit his high school years and began to  do things HE wanted to do. His mother had him taking singing classes, dance classes, guitar lessons, piano lessons, and all of that jazz... He was okay with it, but it wasn’t what he wanted to do. So unlike Tobi, he took control of his own life. 

Their mother does not like Coby and hardly ever talks to him unless if it’s something negative. She doesn’t think “art” will take you anywhere in art. He feels bad for Tobi though... She wasn’t able to escape their devil mother’s grasp. Coby ended up being taken under his father’s wing.

Working behind closed door for Nintendo can be a bit... stressful. He can keep up with everything asked of him at the company it’s just being cooped up with no human interaction for so long can drive a person mad. This is why he work at Chotto Latte after doing his jobs for the day. (Chotto Latte is explained in Hoshi’s background!) He likes working there because he interacts with humans “customers” it’s better than looking at a computer screen all day. 

Coby helped pay for Chotto Latte and designed most of the things in there such as building structure, interior, menus, and all that stuff.



  • Home cooked meals (He says he can taste the love in it ^^)
  • Home made baked goods! (Tobi usually makes him taste test dishes for Chotto Latte he jokes asking her if she’s trying to make him “Fat” but he enjoys it.)
  • Video games (His job IS at Nintendo)
  • Socializing (Never gets any!!)
  • Amusement Parks (Child at heart here ^^ He’d probably take his first date here!)
  • Tobi (Cause she’s his best friend!)
  • The color baby blue (Not too sure why~)
  • Children! (Wants to have some of his own.)
  • Watching Dramas on TV (He doesn’t let people know this >_>)
  • Puppies! (Who doesn’t like puppies?)




  • “Plastics” (Coby’s definition of plastics are slightly different. He calls “s” plastics.)
  • s (He’ll quickly put them in their place... He has a pretty sharp tongue when needed.)
  • Money (Same view on money as Hoshi. It ruins lives.)
  • Tears (He is good at cheering people up because HE DOESN’T like people being sad.)
  • Tobi’s Alter Ego (It’s not the Hoshi he knows.)
  • Blushing (He gets so shy sometimes!)
  • Mushroom (Yuck~ They look like aliens!)



  • Painting (It makes him forget about everything!)
  • Singing and playing guitar (When he does this it makes people happy for some reason.)
  • Playing Video Games (Him and Hoshi have tournaments!)
  • Sitting outside when it’s night time. (It’s so calming)
  • Going to the beach (He likes the beach!)



  • He doesn’t like messing up!


Trivia: (It depends what kind you want Unnie~)

  • He secretly knows that their mom has cheated on their Dad.


T h e   v o i c e s   a r o u n d   m e

(note: the pairings will happen between the characters/OCs)

 ڪے Family members ڪے

Name: Yoshio Nagasawa

Position: Father

D.O.B. & Age: March 31, 1967 [Age 45]

Job: Co-Producer at Nintendo

Status: Married (Under pressure >_>)

Personality: Yoshio is still a child at heart! Just like Coby! They are alike in every way ^^ Only a child could help produce video games such as the ones from Nintendo! I mean he helps with creating new game systems and all that!! It's a child at heart's dream!! 

Relationship with you: Yoshio and Coby are close. They often talk and sometimes play games while their suppose to be working >_>.


  • He was forced  to marry his wife Soo Min for it was arranged.
  • Fusajiro Yamauchi, the founder of Nintendo, is his grandfather.
  • Does not like the way Soo Min treats Hoshi and Kenji.
  • Was married before.


 ڪے Family members ڪے

Name: SooMin Nagasawa

Position: Mother

D.O.B. & Age: September 25, 1960 [Age 38]

Job: Former Korean Model. Now she's a housewife.

Status: Married

Personality: She is very strict. She likes things "perfect" like her family raised her to. 

Relationship with you: She hates Coby. Simple as that. He is the prime example of a “good for nothing” kid.


  • She is a "" and has cheated on Hoshi and Kenji's father before.
  • Is NOT Hoshi's and Kenji's real mother.


 ڪے Family members ڪے

Name: Tobi [Hoshiko] Nagasawa

Position: Younger Sister

D.O.B. & Age: December 12, 1992 [Age 20 turning 21]

Job: Model

Status: Single (She better be! Coby thinks it would be embarrassing if his little sister found love before him!)

Personality: (Explained in her application)

Relationship with you: They are best friends!

Trivia: Depends what kind you want!


ڪے Rival (optional) ڪے

(I’ll leave this up to you ^^)




Why are you rivals? (no need to be love related, can be from work, college, etc)

Did you meet already? If so how?


ڪے Best friend (optional) ڪے

(His sister of course!)




Why are you best friends? Does he/she think the same?

How long do you know each other?


ڪے Ideal type ڪے

Age: He actually doesn’t mind what age they are... He preferably wants someone shorter than him though~ Never taller!

Gender: Female~

Personality: They would probably be... in need of someone to calm them down and show them the small things in life! He is a kid at heart... They’ll probably need to be the one in control *ahem*of “lovey” things *ahem* since you know... He’s pretty clueless about that type of stuff. As long as they aren’t fake and took the time to get to know him he’ll love them ^^  (Despite him not being in a relationship before... I think he'd be super cute in one! Plus, he's a fast learner XD)

How does he/she treat you? Like a normal person... As in they don’t assume he’s a playboy... He hates when people think that! (It upsets him) She would probably look to him for comfort a lot, which he won’t mind at all. He’s always willing to listen.

Did you meet already? If so, how? (This is up to you my mind reading Unnie!)


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