Happy 20th Birthday Chen!!! ^^

Haven't post it yet so, let me do this before sept 21st ends in Korea! XD HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIM JONGDAE! CHEN! CHEN CHEN! DAN-CHING MACHINE! TROLL! X) U were the one who made me be an EXOtic. When I first saw the History MV of EXO-K and that part where EXO-M comes out and I saw you,

you looked like a mixture of Jaejoong with Siwon....it was weird! >< But I just thought that you looked so cute and handsome that you inmediately entered by bias list! Now, You are not among the top '_' BUT I still love u!!! AND U HAVE A SPECIAL PLACE IN MY HEART since like I said, u were the one that started it all! So thank you so much! Happy twenties!!! ^^ ♥


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