▌Tobi (Hoshiko) Nagasawa ▌ ☆┊Time for Change┊♥


 Application Form 

Applying for colorblue (Applying as the siblings! So I am creating two different applicants!)


H e l l o   t o   m y s e l f




Name: Tobi [Hoshiko] Nagasawa (Hoshiko is Tobi's real name! Tobi is a name she obtained after moving to America.)


Nickname: Hoshi (A nickname her brother calls her. Her parents call her Hoshiko.)


D.O.B. & Age: December 12, 1992 [Age 20 turning 21] (Magui! I know 21 is the youngest, so she is turning 21 in December... I hope this is alright, if not let me know and I'll change it IMMEDIATELY!)


Blood type: B + (I don't know much about blood Magui, I'm sorry >~<)


Birthplace: Osaka, Japan (Her and her brother, Kenjirou/Coby, were born and raised in Japan. Their father found a job sight in America and thought it would be fun to move there, so they did! That is when Hoshiko became Tobi at the age of 10. She wasn't very fond of the idea, but went through with the move without refusal.)


Ethnicity: 1/2 Japanese, 1/4 Korean, and 1/4 Caucasian (English) 


Languages spoken: Tobi's Japanese is fluent since it is spoken in the household! Her English is also pretty fluent, though if one listens closely they'd catch a Japanese accent. She is learning Korean at the moment.


Major: Majoring in Fashion and Design. (She's finishing up college, but works two other part-time jobs)


Dream job: Behind closed doors she dances and sings, for she secretly wants to be a performer like she sees on MNET from Korea! Though in all actuality... She knows it will never happen and has accepted it. It doesn't stop her form singing and dancing though! (She's very good if you're wondering.) Plus her mother would never approve of that.


Current jobHer two part-time jobs are modeling and working at a small cafe'. (She began modeling because of her work in college, her teachers took notice in her unique designs and began to share it with their colleagues. They eventually brought her attention and that began her modeling career. She loves to work at the small cafe'. It's an escape from all the "plastics" as she likes to call them.)


A small big wishAll she really wants... Is a quiet and simple life. Tobi herself might not even see that yet, but THAT is what she really wants. Maybe then she could meet someone that likes her for her normal self and not what she presents to the "plastics." (Plastics is a reference for all the fake... All the people who only like her cause she's "beautiful" and a "model.")


StatusSingle (Many people try to get her hand though competing for her with their wealth, looks, popularity... All she really wants is a normal guy.)


Special talentShe can bake, cook, brew like a professional! (Practically anything to do with gourmet stuff!)


PersonaAlter Ego (She sort of has a double life.)

Motto: Work Hard. Play Hard.

Personal secret: She never thinks she's good enough.


W h a t   m e e t s   t h e   e y e

Ulzzang name: Jang Hae Byeol

Hyperlinks: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |

Back-up ulzzang: Baek Jae Ah

Hyperlinks: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Others: piercings (The simple earlobe piercings ^^)

Height (cm): 162 cm

Weight (kg): 45 kg

Fashion styleWell out in public she dresses as if she's on the runway since it's what people expect from her when they recognize her as Tobi the model. Behind closed doors or in the cafe' (Where she's undercover!) She dresses like a total dork! She wears whatever is comfortable or her work outfit (Which she loves!)


Casual - 1 | 2 | 3

Formal - 1 | 2 | 3

Home - 1 | 2 | 3

Sleep - 1 | 2 | 3 (Alright Unnie I've been looking and I'm having a hard time finding these >~< She'll basically wear either oversized hoodies to sleep with shorts or tights. She'd fall asleep in her casual clothing ^^)


M y   s o u l ' s   v o i c e

Personality: In a magazine you’ll read or see a beautiful and fierce looking girl known as Tobi Nagasawa, she’s a well known and recognized model/designer. You’ll also see that she’s quickly heading towards the top with her unique and universal look. She is known for her bold fashion, her professional attitude, her talents, and her surprisingly pleasant work ethnics. She gets what needs to be done, done without problem.


She’s always pleasant to others even if she doesn’t speak to others often while working. She is humble, but a lot of people mistake her slightly silent nature as chilly and arrogant/ignorant. The more negative views on her are that she doesn’t speak often because she’s stuck up and thinks everyone is lower than herself.


Another rumor that goes around about her is that she’s a heartbreaker. They say she never says yes to a date because the men aren’t good enough. Of course, these claims are made by the very men who are sore from rejection, but the tabloids will believe anything. She’s never rejected someone out right rudely, she always apologizes and rejects the offer politely.


Wearing makeup and over priced clothing is apart of being a model and in the fashion scene, if you were to peel all that back... You’d see a completely different Tobi... You would see Hoshiko! Or Hoshi as her brother (her one and only true friend) likes to call her. Hoshiko is a goofy and soft-spoken girl with childlike innocence. Hard to believe right? She is actually two completely different people! The reason being is because Tobi’s mother forces her to try and be more like her. (I’ll explain this more in background?)


When Hoshi gets off from school/work she instantly transforms into someone that no one really knows. She reveals how sweet and soft she is... Completely different from the bold Tobi that everyone thinks they know. No one really sees her since she doesn’t have any friends, but after school and/or work she goes to her other job which is at a cute little cafe’ (That her and her brother started ^^) and all her customers meet her sweet self. There she’s herself and no one recognizes her as Tobi the model


Her brother tends to protect her a lot since she’s too nice for her own good. If she sees someone who is sad she’ll stop by and lend them an ear, even if they are a complete stranger. She once bought a young boy a bowl of ice cream twice his size when she saw him cry over one he dropped. She is ten times nicer if it’s a child since she loves children!


Hoshi is also a very soft-spoken person since she has a naturally soft voice. People find themselves leaning closer to have to hear what she’s saying. This is actually why she doesn’t speak much as her model self too! She is very self conscience (because of her mother) so she doesn’t want to draw too much more attention with a loud voice.  Another reason she doesn’t talk to people in her job atmosphere is because they’re all “plastics.” Meaning fake! They all only like her for materialistic things such as looks. They only like the model Tobi. If they found out how she really was she would be dropped in no time flat.


Background: Hoshi grew up in Osaka, Japan as the youngest member of her family. Later she moved to America with her family when she was around the age of 10. Her childhood was plagued with the constant pressure of being a “perfect child.” Her mother would pressure her and Coby, her older brother, to get perfect grades, go above and beyond, and a whole bunch of other things. When they moved to America... Things only seemed to grow worse.

Seeing all this fashion and glam around Hoshi’s mother began pushing her into that world. Hoshiko, wanting her mother’s approval and love, went along with it without refusal. That is how she ended up where she is today, she has an alter ego that her mother has shaped in her own desired image. Hoshi is very... confused. She thinks her childhood is normal, even though she’s never really had a childhood. She thinks working all the time is fun... Only is it’s at the cafe though.

Whenever Tobi comes home from college/modeling she is stressed. With all the rumors spread about her, and the tabloids spreading things, as well as your mothers constant disapproval of things, you can only guess she’s be self conscience and stressed. Her and her brother are pressured a lot, so as an escape they bought and created a small business known as Chotto Latte! (Chotto Latte is a play on words with the Japanese phrase Chotto Matte which means One Moment. It’s sort of like take one moment out of your busy life to sit and relax.) which is a small cafe’. It is very successful, but it’s opened at weird hours (since either Tobi or Coby need to be free from their other job.) Chotto Latte is Tobi’s, as well as her brother’s, escape from all the stress.

Tobi designed the uniforms and she cooks the dishes and what not for Chotto Latte.



  • Working (Only if it's at Chotto Latte! She finds it soothing and fun!~ Seriously, someone need to take her to have some REAL fun!)
  • Video Games (Hard to believe, but her father IS a co-producer in Nintendo. She's more of a daddy's girl, but he's hardly home.)
  • Children!! Babies!! (She would never think of HAVING kids yet... Being to embarrassed to think of such things >////< But, she finds them adorable.)
  • Baking (She loves the people's reaction to her sweet little pasteries. She's surprised how something so small can make people so happy. Her brother always says she's a pastry because she's so petite and sweet.)
  • Animals (Specifically puppies!! She wants a Shiba Inu extremely bad!!)
  • The Smell of Coffee (Good thing she spends a lot of time in a cafe!)
  • Hanging with her Brother (They seem like twins. They've been close since they've met ^^)
  • Rain or Snow! (It soothes her soul.)
  • Singing (Her soft voice is beautiful when singing! Remember~ It's her secret obssession XD)
  • Guitar Playing (She can't play it, but her brother does. She loves the sound)
  • Smiles (She loves making people smile. This is also the first thing she notices about a person.)
  • Pastel colors (Those are her uniform colors)



  • "Plastics!" (People who only like her as a model.)
  • Rumors / Scandals (Stress, stress, stress!)
  • Money (She thinks it's the cause of all problems. It's the cause of greed!! That is why she's so willing to spend her earned cash on other people's happiness. Her and her brother bought Chotto Latte and built it!)
  • Tears (She CANNOT handle them. She'll begin crying too!)
  • Dissapointment (She doesn't like to dissapoint people. Like I said she's self conscience.)
  • Her alter ego (Tobi hates her "model" self. She has to act not like herself at all!)



  • Baking (It makes her happy!  She usually makes her brother taste test her creations.)
  • Playing Video Games (Father's doing)
  • Walks Around Aimlessly (She likes to release her stress before heading to the cafe'.)
  • Singing (She'll perform at Chotto Latte with her brother on slower days.)
  • Helping Others (Remember she likes to help people who are sad~)
  • Watching Mnet and what not.



  • She'll always be alone... and unwanted.


Trivia(What type do you want Unnie?)



T h e   v o i c e s   a r o u n d   m e

(note: the pairings will happen between the characters/OCs)

 ڪے Family members ڪے

Name: Yoshio Nagasawa

Position: Father

D.O.B. & Age: March 31, 1967 [Age 45]

Job: Co-Producer at Nintendo.

Status: Married

Personality: Yoshio is still a child at heart! Hoshiko is his spawn!! They are alike in every way ^^ Only a child could help produce video games such as the ones from Nintendo! I mean he helps with creating new game systems and all that!! It's a child at heart's dream!! Too bad he's never home to show his children the love they deserve.

Relationship with you: Whenever Yoshio does see Hoshi he absolutely spoils her. He is always telling her how proud he is of his little baby girl ^^ If she wasn't so busy with her modelling career he'd ask her to help design some clothing for Nintendo...


  • He was forced  to marry his wife Soo Min for it was arranged.
  • Fusajiro Yamauchi, the founder of Nintendo, is his grandfather.
  • Does not like the way Soo Min treats Hoshi and Kenji.
  • Was married before.


 ڪے Family members ڪے

Name: SooMin Nagasawa

Position: Mother

D.O.B. & Age: September 25, 1960 [Age 38]

Job: Former Korean Model. Now she's a housewife.

Status: Married

Personality: She is very strict. She likes things "perfect" like her family raised her to. She tends to pressure Hoshi the most, having given up on Kenji. 

Relationship with you: She is secretly jealous of her own daughters glory. This is why she treats Hoshi so meanly.


  • She is a "" and has cheated on Hoshi and Kenji's father before.
  • Is NOT Hoshi's and Kenji's real mother.


 ڪے Family members ڪے

Name: Coby [Kenjirou] Nagasawa

Position: Older Brother/Best Friend

D.O.B. & Age: January 5, 1993 [Age 22]

Job: Graphic Designer for Nintendo

Status: Single 

Personality: (Explained in his application!)

Relationship with you: He is Hoshi's one and only best friend!! They are each others life line!

Trivia: (Explained in his application)


ڪے Rival (optional) ڪے  

(Unnie! A lot of people hate her!)




Why are you rivals? (no need to be love related, can be from work, college, etc)

Did you meet already? If so how?


ڪے Best friend (optional) ڪے

(Her brother!!)




Why are you best friends? Does he/she think the same?

How long do you know each other?


ڪے Ideal type ڪے

Age: They'll be older than her... hopefully! Maybe 2  to 5 years at most.

Gender: Male ^^ Preferablly.

Personality: The would need to be... Normal... No glitz no glam! Hoshi needs someone down to Earth and willing to show her the small joys in life. They need to be realistic, and not care that Hoshi is a "model". They don't need to be special or wealthy or any of that. They just need to be kind, patient, relaxed person. They probably have to be pretty charming too though... I mean the real Tobi is pretty shy.

How does he/she treat you? They would treat her like a normal human being. They would make her see that she doesn't need to worry about having flaws. 

Did you meet already? If so, how? Nope, I'll leave that up to you if she's chosen ^^

Oh! It would be a plus if... they already had a kid ^^ She would LOVE the kid since she is NOT ready to have one of her own, she would love to meet a guy with a kid already... If not a son/daughter maybe the have a baby brother or sister they take care of? I just thought it would be a sweet idea ^^

I have future ideas that will be written and revealed in Coby [Kenjirou] Nagasawa's application! 



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