at the end of this month, i'll be going to Anime Weekend Atlanta :D and i'll be dressed as a mix between Daehyun & his matoki Kekemato :P

only, i'll have really bright red hair...if i can manage to get it cut & dyed before then......

i've already made a mask..though it's not great since it's made of felt...& i've gotta work on my shirt will say "Busan Wonbin" on it for sure ^^
i thought about making a fake piece of cheesecake to carry around lmao...but idk what i would make it out of...

my friend & co-author is also going and she'll be dressed as Zelo/Totomato xD

we'll see how many people recognize the masks...i even thought about getting something with a Colonel Sanders on it to carry around...if you've read Matoki EARTHVENTURE then you know exactly what it implies..hehe.

unrelated things: i FINALLY got my No Mercy Repackaged album! *celebrates* ^^

i'm working on chapter 15 still...hopefully it won't take me too long to finish :/ i'm sorry i didn't get to update it over the weekend...i've been a bit busy..and soon i'll be dropping a class to make my schedule a bit easier to deal with..think i'll be doing that tomorrow.

my co-author and roommate has fallen asleep so it's difficult for me to write without her input..but i'm still working on it...we'll see if i can get it up tonight..if not tonight, then it should (crosses fingers) be up tomorrow night..maybe......

anyway..back to writing now :D


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Maknae says that sleep is important *nods*
XD Haha cheesecake. If you did that it would be so awesome. I'm sure there's a KFC around here too.

Kelsie fell asleep again? Bad maknae XD