Party is a Heartbeat Away ^^

Okay, I really, really meant to post this a while ago *cough* Monday *cough*, but I've been really busy with school (like that's it =_=).

I'll explain that in a minute, but first I really really really have to tell you guys (or girls) about what one of my best friends did for me on my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, in a recent blog post, I mentioned that I was turning fifteen, and that I would be closer in age to my crush, and Monday was my birthday. Of course, I had to go to school. The Friday before I had been completely zoned out daydreaming, and I told one of my friends (who I will call K) that it would be awesome if my cush wished me a happy birthday.

In truth, I'm way to nervous to go and talk to him, okay, I've talked to him a few times, but K really seems to creep him out, which I find hilarious because she's the type of person who is super nice and can make friends with a random person that meets once.

So K, is all like, "Okay then," and I forget about it (somewhat). And I go back to daydreaming about him and his amazing smile.  ^^

I get to school on Monday, and my friends are wishing me a happy birthday and all that, and I'm really looking forward to fourth period because that's when i have chorus. That, and I also see him after chorus on my way to lunch, and we both sit outside during lunch. After chorus is over, I walk up to to talk to K at her locker along with another of my friends (E). I'm talking to K when she says that she'll be right back, so I talk to E.

Suddenly, I hear K call my name from behind me, so I turn. 

And guess who's standing there.

Yep, you got it.

The guy I like.

Standing there.

Smiling at me.

"Happy Birthday," he says.

And I almost faint, and I'm surprised that I was able to talk at all. So I smile and say thank you, and he walks off with his friends and twin brother. Oh yes, he has a twin.

Then I turn to K, who planned everything, and I completely freak out. I was like, "Awwwww, I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 

So then I asked her what she said to him, and this is what she told me (H is my crush):

K: *goes up to H* Hey

H:... Uh, hey. *kind of weirded out by random girl going up and talking to him, so, not smiling*

K: I want you to tell the girl I was talking to happy birthday.

H: Which girl? *still not smiling*

K: Juliette!

Me: *turns*

H: *smiling. And I mean, big, genuine smile* Happy Birthday! :D

And yes, that's really how it happened.

So now my birthday party is about to start, so I'm going to go and party with my friends. I'll tell you guys about that another time!

Juliette, signing off! ^^


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