hysteria » han li hua


`*(» hysteria


»behind the mask
what shall i call you - Juni
take me to your world - here
»who's that gull
name - Han Li Hua ( Lihua )
nicknames -  牛奶 ( niúnǎi, meaning milk in Mandarin Chinese. )
age - 20 years old
birthdate - 27/01/1992
birthplace - Chaoyang, Beijing, China
hometown - Ontario, Canada
ethnicity - Chinese-Korean, her mother was korean, father chinese. 
languages - Chinese, Korean, & English, all fluent.
»how can you be so pretty, baby
uhljjang name - Baek Su Min
pictures - 01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 / 09 / 10
back up uhljjang - Park Sora
pictures - 01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08
fashion style & dress code - Chic & Vintage. Lihua has a simple sense of style. She'd rather chose jeans over skirts anytime. Being a girl who's sixth sense is definitely not fashion trending, Lihua will at time shop at the boy section, maybe because it's cheaper. Don't mistake her for some tomboy, Lihua is far from that "label". Her usual attire are just skinny jeans, preferably not ripped, a blouse, and any color cardigan, though she prefers black or a simple dark navy blue. Lihua is usually seen with her hair down with a headband or her hair up with bobby pins to keep her hair out of her face. Big, baggy sweaters, hoodies, and just plain shirts are what you see when she's training, along with gray or black sweats. ( here )
height + weight - 168cm & 47kg 
extras - two ear piercing, one on each ear. 
»the history that i make
" p e r f e c t i o n i s t ."         Lihua is known as the perfectionist. Maybe it has to due with the fact that Lihua was rasied to be better than others, exceeding expectations. Not many can deny the fact that Lihua likes things perfect, neat, and definitely organized. Known as a "clean freak", Lihua dislikes things messy and dirty. Things that are not in place are a big no-no. Lihua is very strong willed and determined. Giving up is a sign of weakness and deafeat and Lihua doesn't like that. Lihua's the serious type, almost like a mother. Lihua isn't the type to give out beautiful advice and speeches to change the world but she will try her best to make others happy. Lihua is easily flustered and embarrassed and usually her cheeks turn a tinted shade of pink when embarrassed. At times, Lihua can be a complete stranger, she doesn't give out a lot of information about herself and it's actually a pretty big obstacle to get her to trust you fully. 
"i m p e r f e c t  i o n s."           Lihua has many faults and flaws. Though Lihua tries to cover them up as much as she can, they are quite noticeable. Lihua doesn't like the idea of "love at first sight", romantic things, and that soul mate talk. Lihua thinks love is just some useless word people throw around nowadays. Love to Lihua's prespective is an absurd thing, almost idiotic in her book. Then, there's the fact that Lihua is very selfless, alturistic, having no concern for herself  due to the fact that maybe Lihua cares more about other people's health. Lihua is also known to be a workaholic, over working herself and pulling her abilities to the extreme, especially when she should be worrying about her health problems, her weak immune system. 
likes -
  • bubble tea, milk tea.
  • road trips.
  • snowy days, winter.
  • coffee(but not Americano), tea.
  • japanese crepes.
  • sweets, pastries.
  • eye smiles, smiles in general.
  • books, reading.
  • the piano, classical music.
  • rainy days, storms.
  • painting, art.
  • calmness, the quiet.
  • spicy foods, especially noodles.
  • public speaking.
  • spiders.
  • hot summer days.
  • dirtiness, messiness.
  • hospitals, needles.
  • the media, social networks.
  • complaing, nagging.
  • morning breath.
  • loud & rude people
  • impoliteness, obnoixious people.
  • bugs/insects.
  • waking up early, not enough sleep.


  • Arachnophobia - the fear of spiders.
  • Acrophobia - the fear of heights.
  • Claustrophobia - the fear of having no escape, tight spaces.


  • ruffling her hair when frustrated.
  • chewing her bottom lip when anoxious or nervous.
  • tapping on hard surfaces when bored.
  • getting words mixed up in different languages when she talks.
  • ​ballet dancing, ballroom.
  • playing the piano.
  • cooking, learning new recipes. 
  • reading novels in the library.
  • running, jogging.
  • singing in the shower.
  • cleaning up, getting things organized.
trivia -
  • ​blood type - O
  • she has one dog name jinjoo
  • she sometimes over analyzes things.
  • pastel pink & maroon are Lihua's favorite colors.

history - Her history? Lihua thinks her history before becoming a trainee was very simple. She lived with both of her parents in Chaoyang, Beijing, China until she was five years old before moving to Ontario, Canada. Being parents who wanted to keep Lihua knowing her mother tongue, they had personally taught Lihua Mandarin Chinese as she learned English in school. By the time Lihua was eleven years old, her father had gotten a job in South Korea. Her mother on the other hand couldn't be more enthusiastic about going back to her birthplace. Living in South Korea for over two years, Lihua had learned Korean in school and by her mother. By now, Lihua was a mutlilingual human being. On her birthday, the day Lihua had turned thirteen years old, Lihua had gone with her mother to the city just to celebrate her birthday. During their time in Seoul, Lihua was scouted in a shopping mall by TS Entertainment. 

School was another different thing for her. Moving to different countries and cities, Lihua had actually never felt at home and Lihua would always end up homesick once and awhile. While she was in South Korea, Lihua had gone to an private all girl school due to her protective parents. In Canada, Lihua went to a elementary school filled with mainly the caucasian race. Once in middle school, Lihua was transferred to a Christian private school, though Lihua is one of the most non-religious person someone will ever meet.

»i am gonna be famous
stage name - Lihua
persona - Charismatic Queen
position - Main Vocalist 
how you joined - Scouted when Lihua was thirteen in a shopping mall. After being scouted, Lihua had audition privately and a few weeks after, Lihua was notified that they would like for her to audition again but in the public. After that audition, Lihua was called back after three weeks notifying her she was accepted in TS and became an official trainee under TS Entertainment.
trained for - 7 years & 4 months
»strings attached
family - 
  • Yoon Min Kyung | 46 | housewife | alive | a very loving mother. though she can be strict at times, min kyung can be also very understanding and helpful. | mother.
  • Han Jian Yu | 48 | manager of a large company | alive | strict. though he isn't very good with words, but with actions. usually seen with a straight face, he is the man to be very serious. | father.
  • Bae Suhwa | 21 | college student majoring in visual arts. | the opposite of  Lihua. she's a bit too carefree and takes things lightly unless it's education and work. | college friends. 
  • Hwang Eunhee | 20 | college student majoring in fashion | someone very determined and not very easily distracted. like Lihua, Eunhee's very serious and doesn't like excuses. | college friends.
  • Zhang Yixing  | 21 | idol, member of exo | Yixing's specialty is teasing and finding out Lihua's flaws. how they met was actually very, awkward. Yixing's very playful and will usually do something to force Lihua to buy him food. | close, before debut friends. 
best friends
  • Han Sunhwa | 21 | idol, member of secret | very laid back and likes to tease Lihua. Sunhwa knows that Lihua actually looks up to her. Sunhwa is almost like a mother figure to  Lihua| close friends, the only person Lihua has opened up to. 
  • Goo Hara | 21 | idol, member of kara | friendly rivals. they're both competitive when it comes to vocals. how they became how they are now still remains a mystery. | Hara seems like the one to never give up and exceed and surpass other people, something similar to Lihua's personality. 
»he got me crash &; burn
love interest - Xi Luhan
how you met - Could you even call it a cliche meeting? Lihua had actually gone to the same college at Luhan before EXO had debuted. Seoul Institute of the Arts majoring in also applied music. It was possibly during break when they had met. Lihua was postive when they first met, Luhan had just gotten into SM Entertainment and basically, he was the talk of the, day, week, possibly even month. Lihua and Luhan actually had many classes together but with hetic schedules and training, they had never made noticed of each other. Lihua remembered it had been a whole week since Luhan had showed up from school, but of course, he had been excused and there was a chance he was even tutored privately. Lihua had ordered a cup of coffee to keep her awake for the whole day, she hadn't slept till three o'clock in the morning last night due to training and college work. Lihua sat down in the back corner of the cafe and she had remembered it was a chilly day outside and a thin black scarf was neatly wrapped around her neck. Lihua placed the hot cup of coffee onto the table, clasping her hands together. She puffed out her pink tinted cheeks thinking about how it was even colder inside the cafe, which was very odd. After a minute or two, Lihua had picked up her cup of coffee, taking a sip of the rich dark liquid. It had not only seared her tongue but the bitterness of the coffee made Lihua choke a bit and she had pulled the most ridiculous face ever, she was sure someone must've been looking at her. 
Oh, boy, was she correct. After quickly setting down her cup of coffee back onto the table, wiping her lips with a napkin, Lihua reminded herself never to order Americano ever again. That's when Lihua heard a small chuckle one table away from her. Lihua looked up to see Luhan. Back then, Lihua knew basically nothing about him other than the fact that his name was Xi Luhan, an exchange student who happened to be in almost all of her classes, and many have said he had a heavenly voice. Lihua tilted her head to the side giving Luhan a small confusing look. Lihua remember Luhan standing up, pushing the chair under the table before walking towards her, inviting himself to sit across from her. For the first time, Lihua had actually seen Luhan fron up close, not from across the classroom, not in pictures, or whatever else, but up close, a table away, however long the table was at that moment. "I've never seen someone pull such a beautiful face before." He commented sarcastically, batting his eyelashes jokingly. Lihua remembered scoffing as her cheeks were tinted red, even redder than before. Names were shared, though Lihua already knew his name, but hearing it come from Luhan's actually mouth seemed a whole lot better. Smiles and laughs were also shared, phone numbers, schedules, little secrets and the fact that Lihua was under TS Entertainment for nearly seven years. Lihua stated it was her first year at college and still didn't know her way around the place. 
Thirty minutes later, which had seemed like hours, Luhan bid good bye with a lopsided smile, his doe eyes crinkling and gleaming in the light, he walked away leaving Lihua one year later becoming Luhan's fan, someone who had stan him since the beginning. 
»a beautiful separation
scene requests - something a bit fluffy. when Luhan and Lihua get into a small fight, an argument and Luhan ends up doing something unexpectedly but someone just happened to see it. I actually have no idea, I just, any scene with Luhan and Lihua is fine. 
comments, suggestions, questions - I really hope this apply fic goes well and you never lose interest in it. 
password - right here


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