well, hello there, little miss thief

I'm not sure if it will be categorized as 'inflammatory posts about other users' because I will talk about someone not in a good way. Well... *shrughs* I just need to let it out and I guess I have every right to do it.

I was looking for some cute skydragon pictures this evening and found something surprising, not sure how I should react about this... You guys, if you read my story 'The Queen of Hearts' will be familiar with this picture, I guess...

I clearly stated there 'a littletea art & storyline', right? Apparently, here's what I found this evening...


I wonder if he/she felt like a smartypants after putting it on. Hmm... 

If you want me to think positively, I will say that it means:

1. He/she thinks my artwork is pretty nice, which I don't really need her acceptance since I believe he/she is not a museum curator whatsoever (because if he/she is, he/she won't steal someone's artwork), 

2. He/she reads my story, hmm... okay, thank you.

3. At least he/she doesn't replace my name with his/hers.

on a bad note:

1. he/she ing cut off my name and my credits, which is a very inappropriate thing to do, I wonder if he/she knows that it took time to finally came with a satisfying artwork, not only do I had to look for the perfect picture to blend, I also needed to decide what color scheme will fit the storyline and.. oh well, I wonder if he/she ever knows about it at all, and obviously to be cut off just like that isn't really a nice feeling to deal with.

2. her story isn't even that great, I mean just look at the bunch of grammatical mistakes she made only on the title. Which pretty much insulting my artwork to be there (and yes, I am fully aware that I am being rude here), not that my grammar is perfect but at least I know he/she is worse.

3. I am definitely not happy about this.

I fully realize that internet is a public space and whatever I uploaded there is a pucblic property, but I also believe that that doesn't mean you can just steal someone's artwork and cut the credit off for whatever reason.

Honestly, I'm not done rambling, but oh well... to simplify, it feels like your friend (although I don't really know who he/she is) stealing the homework you've made overnight and erased your name off of it. Weee.. good job !


ps. once again I have to say that I am fully aware of how rude this post is, and it might be categorized on bashing other users, either way, I don't really care. I have each and every right to do this.

edit (9/22/2012)

After reading the comment I left on her story, the author decided to take the poster off (and also deleted my comment, hmm yeah.. ok good for you smartypants). I may sound really bitter, well... guess what? I am.


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lol so this was that thing you talked about ahahah you never showed me which blend they snagged *dies* but yeah, you can totally tell by the title of the story "We we're InLove" like... really? Which one is it? 'We Were in Love' or 'We We Are in Love' or like 'wE WE're iNlOvE' And because of this, I highly doubt they are capable of making their own skydragon blend. No wonder they had to resort to snagging without crediting and asking permission first(though I have to give them some kudos for having the ability to crop... wait... is there something online that crops for you? ahahahha) and OMG your browser is hot pink lolololo that should be crime.