Okay, I feel bad because I'm asking you lovelies again...

But I really need something to read.

I have recently fallen into the trap of B2ST and U-KISS and I really want to read some fanfics. Mostly of course. And I totally ship Dongho with everyone so if one of you lovelies know some Dongho x Idontreallycare fanfics, I would so totally love you, if you would link them to me. Oh, and B.A.P. fics too. :D

So, all of you, please link me to som good fanfictions? /Puppy eyes/

Thank you. :)


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I don't know any right now... Well, I'm kinda on a little island with my school... And it's raining -.-'
Do you guys know how much I love you?! <3
I have a Dongvin story I'm working on ^^
And a few other U-KISS fics :D
They're my favourite group heehee