I am who I am and you can't change it!

Why the tittle? None of you have tried to change me.

Well, I dyed my hair today. It's red ^^. Like really red. I'll post some kind of picture later.

Anyway, since I dyed it people on the street just stare at me and laugh. Do they think I can't hear them or something? I'm not stupid! Of course it's okay if you think that it's not that great, but I like my hair! If you don't, tell me in my face! Have the guts to speak out and don't laugh behind my back because I can see and hear you!!

Also, people tend to think that once you dye your hair red, you're protesting for something. I am not. I willingly dyed it red! I like my red hair!

I don't care if you think I look like a traffic light! It's my hair!

I know that I'm going to be mocked when I go back to school because my classmates are the types to talk behind my back. I know that they do it because they did it before when I dyed my hair. They've been my classmates for three years and I know they don't change. I don't try to change them, I don't try to change anyone. So please don't try to fit me in the 'perfect girl' mall. I am not perfect, I am me. Well I got that off my chest ^^


I also possibly broke my finger ^^ But it'll be fine. Did you know people usually break about 14 bones in a year without noticing? Those are usually toes or fingers. It's very possible that my finger isn't broken, too. But I can't really bend it. And typing is hard. It's my right index finger.. Owie!!


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jungminian0403 #1
i can't see red. i see red as black, literally so idk what is the color of red. all i know it is called red. all i know it is like blood. but in your case, it is none of their business anyway if you want your hair to be dyed red! it is your choice! not their! just don't mind them. be happy and proud of yourself unnie. at least, you have the guts to try something new and different with out worrying the other might find it weird. unlike some girls that are afraid to show what they want(because people might find it ridiculous) don't mind them! just be yourself! and uh, your finger? please be careful! aw, i was worried for you! poor fingers! i wanna heal them. :) i know, my advise because well, i am only 13 but i hope what i've said does makes sense :)
What's wrong with red hair? >:( my hair is purple i dont get weird looks or laughed at behind my back in fact people ask me the dye I used cus it turned out so well! Dont be disheartened by what they said they r people who just don't have the confidence to express themselves so we should pity them! HWAITING!
TidalWave #3
I wanna dye my hair blue.... but I don't think my parents will agree to it... hm... or white., or blue-ish white! Anything lik e that. <br />
Red hair's good!!! Different, great! and just I don't know... Just you:P
Red hair? Whats wrong with that? I dyed my hair red all the time, and people around me actually liked it. Anyways, who care bout other people right, they have no right to tell you how to do thing with your life. Hope your finger will get better mkay :)
red hair? that's awesome! you've got to post the pics! -curious-<br />
And poor finger :(