Just some thoughts

First, please don't be offended by anything I'm about to write. I don't mean to offend but just to put my thoughts out of my head so I can get started on other things. 

Some things about religion don't make any sense to me. I am an agnostic atheist, meaning I don't know if there is any god or gods but I don't believe in anything supernatural. I suppose that might already be offensive to people,  but me rejecting your beliefs doesn't mean I don't respect your right to have those beliefs. I just don't share them for my own reasons, and those reasons are valid to me.

But regardless of that. I'm surrounded mostly by Christianity so most of my thoughts wonder off about that religion. I'm just not as exposed to any other religion. I'm not hating on Christianity, I just know more about it. I have also read the bible, so please don't accuse me of that. I know what it says but again that's not a point I want to talk about right now.

I want to think about the crucification of Jesus. Christians sometimes tell me that he died for my sins. For all our sins. But I don't feel good about that. First because God decided that those things were sins. He made up those rules. But I'm digressing again. These are my thoughts, they're not that structured.

Jesus also wasn't the only person ever to be crucified. A lot of people were in those days, I don't get why his crucifiction is so much worse than all those other people's. They too were tortured. Some undoubtedly for crimes they didn't commit. If you want I'll say Jesus was without sin so he didn't deserve it, but there are many people who are innocent yet tortured and put to death. Their sins that are not related to the crime they're accused of are not relevant to the torture and excecution. 

Again I'm digressing. If you're still  reading, thanks. I really need to get this out of my head. 

I never asked for Jesus to be crucified. To me, something like that is morally wrong. If a person were to judge me eating a lobster dish, because he decided that it's wrong, but then would say "Guess what, before you were born I, without your knowledge or permission brutally tortured and killed my son so that you're free of guilt and I don't have to convict you."

1. Those are the rules he made up. It's easy to make up rules and say other people are guilty.
2. I never asked for anyone to take any punishment for me. 
3. I couldn't have changed the outcome of the murder he commited.

If I were asked whether I wanted to accept the sacrifice of an innocent human being for my "crime", I would say no. I don't think it's moral that someone is killed for a "crime" I commited. I can not morally accept that. It's horrible.

So this person then continues to pour gasoline over me and set me on fire. Before I die, he puts it out so I can heal up. Then once I'm healed the process starts over again. Because I didn't accept the murder of someone I didn't ask for to erase my "crime". 

This situation to me is horrendous. So then why is it accepted in religion?

How can anyone even think of accepting a murder that happened without their ability to affect it to erase crimes that were thought up by the man who ordered this murderer? If it were to happen right now in front of my very eyes, I would refuse it and demand the innocent person to be set free immediately. I will take responsibility for my own actions, because I'm an adult. I make decisions and the consequences are mine to answer for. 

I won't accept a murder on my behalf. It's immortal to me.


Thanks for putting up with my thoughts, sorry if it offended you. I don't mean to offend anyone, I just want to express my thoughts before they drive me insane. Bye guys!


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