★ Scarlet Temptation Application ★



Contact Information

Username: TangNiYa

AFF Profile Link: Linky

Basic Information

Pure Vampire []
Cold Vampire []
Human [ X ]

: F

Real Name: Woo Do Ryung (born as Jung Ryung Mi)

Fake Name:

Dora (everyone calls her by this name, except her foster parents)
Dory (more of a cutsie version of her nickname Dora, she doesn’t like being called by this name)

Real Age: 16

What age do you look: 16

DoB: 29th February 1996

Height: 170cm

Weight: 51kg

Language(s): Fluent; Korean, Sign Language | Conversational; English

Blood Type: A

Nationality: Full Korean

Hometown: Busan, South Korea

Ulzzang: Su Kyung | 12345 | ; BackUp: Kwon Su Jeong | 12 |



Dora is a very quiet and mysterious person. She may seem like a troublemaker and a girl with a great attitude but in fact, Dora hates fighting and would avoid any kind of conflict at any cost, even when she knows that she can put up with anyone. It’s just that she holds that cold and disinterested façade because, truth be told, in her heart she’s still just a vulnerable, insecure young girl. She finds it hard to trust people and takes her time opening up to someone because she’s afraid that they’ll leave her when she needs them the most. Therefore, she often acts hard to get and only concentrated herself on minding her own business and doesn’t like much attention on her.
However, when someone manages to see through her façade, they discover a loyal and trustworthy friend who is always there when needed. She’s very mature and independent but knows how to have fun when she feels like it. It may not seem like it at times, but Dora is very smart, she just doesn’t like to show off in front of other with how much she knows about anything. Dora is very straightforward and honest, with a very sharp tongue and is not afraid to tell the truth into the person’s face. She’s the type of a person who would tell or show a person straight away if they like them or not. However, she only does this for the best, as she hates people faking, ing or picking on her or anyone she cares about. She’s very devoted and passionate when it comes to something she does or loves. Dora is the kind of person who believes that she can always do better than she’s already doing. She always tries her best, is always willing to learn more or something new, hates failure or mistakes and always goes hard on herself, often putting others’ wellbeing before her own.
In reality, she cares deeply for those who are important to him and it usually surprises people how easy-going and open-minded Dora is. She’s a person who can be talked to about anything and is always there to provide some kind of support to those who need it. People often underestimate Dora, therefore they’re also usually surprised how protective she can be over someone. These are all her good qualities but unfortunately, Dora doesn’t really know how to show affection to people unless they’re persistent to get to know her. To enjoy all the support and happiness Dora can provide a person with, they have to first earn her trust which, as stated, is very hard.
Not only does she dislike aegyo, but Dora has a giant immunity against iy and whenever someone uses aegyo on her, it is almost as if doing it towards a brick wall. Dora is very patient and doesn’t lose her temper easily but when something really angers her, she can go all kick-out on a person thanks to her kick-boxing skills. However, she prefers solving fights and problems with a serious talk but when the other party refuses to cooperate than she’s not afraid to use force. Even though she’s mentally strong and is hard to hurt her, Dora has her weak moments from time to time and she prefers keeping them to herself until it cracks her from the inside. She has a great pride and would never, ever cry in front of anyone.


> Dancing
> Listening to music
> Rain/Cold Weather

> Motorcycles
> Fixing things
> Kick-boxing
> Books
> Stars
> Butterflies
> Cupcakes
> Sushi
> Energy Drinks
> Horses
> Perfection
> Neat places

> Aegyo
> Deep waters (lakes, rivers, pool)
> Failure/Mistakes
> Drug/Alcohol
> Hearing about her real parents 
> Chocolate
> People touching her things
> Cats
> Arguing without a reason
> Crying in public
> Small spaces (i.e. elevator, basement)

> Tends not to speak of her family background therefore not many people know that she’s adopted
> Prefers being called Dora over either her birth or adoptive name; only her foster parents call her Do Ryung (her still living mother refers to her daughter as Ryung Min)
> Her eyes are natural indigo colour but wears black contact lenses to hide it
> Speaks with slight Busan accent
> Suffers from insomnia and when she can’t sleep she either takes long motorbike rides, practices her dancing or kick-boxing skills or stargazes
> Sleeptalks (when she sleeps)
> When nervous, angry or trying to hold her emotions in, she chews her lips – sometimes to the point they bleed
> Hates being disturbed when doing something that really interests her
> Sadly, she smokes but tends to do it rarely and keeps it a secret
> Whenever she listens to music, some part of her body moves (head, foot, fingers, etc.)
> When a room is too silent for her liking, she HAS to make a noise (singing, humming, etc.) or have something making the noise (TV, music, etc.)
> When bored or has nothing to do, she will do Sign Language with her hands to no one in particular; or she’ll unconsciously make pouty, cute or seductive faces

> Silence – makes her nervous
> Small, quiet rooms/places
> Water – she can’t swim

> Has a very good memory and is smart
> Is very handy and will try her best to repair anything you give to her
> Skilled at kick-boxing making her a good fighter
> Talented dancer – she’s been dancing since the age of 6
> Loves to go horse riding – her foster parents often took her horse riding before she joined the academy
> Can do several stunts on her motorbike
> Can easily read people’s body language
> Has a good sense for orientation



Human History:
Woo Do Ryung was born as Jung Ryung Mi as the younger child in a relatively young, and troublesome, family. Her parents were, sadly, both teenagers when they had Ryung Mi’s older brother, Moon Ryung, her mother being 16 and father only 17. Ryung Mi and her 10 years older brother never had it easy in their life. Their parents, unfortunately, were both alcoholics and drug addicts, never really taking care of their children properly. All they cared about was getting money and then spending it on their own pleasure. Ryung Mi and her brother were, therefore, forced to grow up in poverty and inhuman conditions when it came to their home. They were often bullied for their family background and were also harassed at home by their own drunken or high parents, physically, verbally, luckily never ually.
Ryung Mi grew up under her brother’s protection and care. Even though, as a kid she was trying to get her parents’ attention, she would often end up ignored or even hurt by them. With time she learned to stay away from them and trust her brother and her brother only.
Few days after Ryung Mi turned 5, her and her brother were taken away from their parents and taken to the orphanage. Because she was so young when separated from her parents, Ryung Mi doesn’t remember them well but from what she heard from her brother and her caretakers, they weren’t good people, as stated, and now she wishes she’s not even related to them.  Ryung Mi lived in the orphanage with her brother by her side, only two of them, as they weren’t really favoured by the other kids in the orphanage. Moon Ryung would always tell her little sister that as soon as he turned 18, he would get the two of them out of the orphanage and take care of her like a big brother would. However, it was only two months before Moon Ryung would turn 18, a kind and nice family Woo from Seoul decided to adopt Ryung Mi. On the day, her brother was away somewhere with his school and caretakers didn’t hesitate one bit to give Ryung Mi away. The pair took her gladly in, seeing how lost, scared and unsecure little girl she was, yet she was extremely adorable.
So, Jung Ryung Mi then became Woo Do Ryung, also known as Wwoo Dora, and as she moved to Seoul with her new family, she figured that she would most likely never see her brother again. She felt guilt for leaving her big brother, her only friend and family, not knowing that her brother already swore to find her when he found out she was separated from him.
Even though she was adopted in a nice family, Dora didn’t really feel like she was fitting in. She was adopted, not only because her foster parents wanted to provide an orphan with a home, but also because her foster parents had a son who they thought felt lonely but they couldn’t have any more children. However, Dora’s new ‘brother’ Ji Ho acted rather cold towards her even though his parents encouraged him to be friends with her. This was weird to the 8-year old Dora but what made it even weirder was the mysterious and dark aura of this family not to mention the creepy way Ji Ho or other family members would often look at her.
It was like this until Dora turned 12, when she found out the truth about what family she was adopted in. The family she was adopted into was a family of Pure Full-blooded Vampires. It was a terrifying truth but for some reason this didn’t surprise Dora. In fact, she accepted it as her foster parents assured her that no one in Woo family would harm her for any reason as they were all on good terms with humans. They refused to tell her the real reason why they adopted her amongst all the children in the orphanage, even amongst her older brother, stating that it was for her own safety. When she questioned if they were going to turn her into a Vampire, her parents responded that they didn’t want to take away the precious life from her and that that decision is completely up to her. So, now that Dora knew that she was living amongst Vampires, she couldn’t help but feel as if there were more secrets that her family hides.
Nevertheless, since being adopted, Dora had a relatively normal childhood. She didn’t make many friends but she managed to settle well in the world of Vampires, as she already reassembles of one with her pale, though and cold appearance. She still keeps it a secret that she’s adopted. Over the years, she managed to get in contact with her brother again and is thankful to Woo family for taking her in even though she doesn’t show her gratitude in a proper way as she doesn’t know how.

How come you are in this Acadamy:
Her parents for some reason assumed that she would be more protected there than anywhere else in the world amongst Vampires, mainly because her brother was already attending the Acadamy. Dora agreed to attend this school because she felt like she needs to know more about the world she got tangled into after being adopted. 

:Biological Parents - Humans:
[Father] Jung Hyung Shik | Deceased | Drug addict/Alcoholic | Died at the age of 32 out of overdose of drugs. He was a troublemaker and a careless father. All he cared about was money and drugs. | Dora never had much of a relationship with her father as she was very young when she was taken away from her parents. But even as a kid, she was always scared of him and would always try to stay away from him at any cost, just so she doesn’t get hurt.
[Mother] Jung Hyun Hae | 42 | Ex-drug addict, Waitress | Was a very careless mother to her children since she was so young when she gave birth to them. After the death of her ‘beloved’ husband, she stopped with drugs and dedicated herself to reuniting with her children. | Dora doesn’t remember her mother either and she hasn’t seen her ever since she was left in the orphanage. Even though her mother was careless like her father, as a child Dora felt more confident showing affection to her mother, even after she’s been ignored most of the time.

:Foster Parents – Pure Vampires:

[Father] Woo Jong Hyun | Age: 150, Looks: 57 | Teacher | Strict, old-fashioned man, not someone you want to mess with but is kind to his family and very reliable. | Dora is very respectful towards her foster father and from the bystander’s point it may seem as if they have an awkward relationship. They are very formal with each other as Dora likes to show her gratitude to her foster parents for accepting her. However, there are times when Dora refers to her foster father for help if she really needs it. At those times, Dora’s foster father is more than happy to help his ‘daughter’. He doesn’t show it, but Mr Woo is very protective over his ‘human daughter’, aware of the danger of living amongst Vampires.

[Mother] Woo Yeo Hee | Age: 117, Looks: 49 | Housewife | Lovely, caring, talkative woman everyone would love to have as a mother. She would support her loved ones no matter what as long as they're happy. | Even with her foster mother, Dora is very formal and shows her respect but Mrs Woo is kind of too cheerful for her liking. She doesn’t mind catching up with her mother once in a while but she would prefer keeping for herself. Dora knows that Mrs Jung is always there for her, to talk to her, to protect her, to support her and she’s very grateful for foster mother like that.



[Biological Brother – Human] Kim Ji Ahn (born Jung Moon Ryung) | 26 | Police Officer | A very modest and well-rounded guy. Always takes care of his loved ones and even though he plays it tough in front of others, he can be very sensitive. | Ji Ahn (as he prefers to be called) was Dora’s only family until they were separated in the orphanage. They were close, very close, always supportive and protective of each other. Dora always looked up to her brother and he was the only person who saw her innocent and cheerful side. Even though she hasn’t seen him in years, she’s hoping to get in contact with him some day again.

 [Adoptive Brother – Pure Vampire] Woo Ji Ho a.k.a. Zico | Age: 50, Looks: 19 | He’s one of those Vampires who don’t want to have any contact with humans but, in reality, he’s just afraid of hurting the innocent ones. He’s tough-looking Vampire with a great heart. Very loyal and protective over his loved ones, he can also be very hot-headed and it’s hard to calm him down when he’s angry. Maybe it doesn’t seem like it but he’s very fun to be around and he’s kind of a daredevil as he likes to take risks. He’s also a student at Mulkee Acadamy. | Zico never really acknowledged Dora and was very cold towards her when she was first adopted into his family. He never approved of his parents adopting a human but that doesn’t necessarily mean he hates his adoptive sister. Over the years, Zico slowly started to take liking into Dora but he never allowed himself to grow too attached to her. Dora, who feels that she’s not really liked by Roman, doesn’t really rely on her adoptive brother and tries to keep away from him unless it’s necessary. She doesn’t know it, but lately, Zico started to feel a lot more attached and protective over his little ‘sister’ and wouldn’t risk having her hurt by anyone any further as he became aware of Dora’s sad past.



Friends: Bom, YongGuk, DongWoon, SooYoung

Bestfriend: Zelo & HimChan

Love interests: 
1. Yoon DooJoon
2. Ok TaecYeon
3. Lee JunHo
4. TaeYang

Ideas for love interests?
I would suggest that Zico doesn't approve of him taking a liking into his younger 'sister' while, at first, Dora doesn't even acknowledge his tries to impress her.



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