I Need Your Help!

Okay, so since I'm a senior this year (in high school), I have to have a senior quote to put in the yearbook. They're supposed to be something that you believe in or something you find important and stuff and I have a few in mind but I can't pick which one I want. Could you guys help me and tell me which ones you like best? I'd really appreciate it! :)

1. "A song with a strong message is strong enough to move the entire world." - G-Dragon

2. "Imagine and dream. Then the world will change to how you want it to be." - Woohyun

3. "My dream isn't to become the 'best', it's to be someone who I'm not ashamed to be." - Key

4. "We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are."- Sirius Black (Harry Potter: Order of the Phoenix)

So, which ones do you guys like best? I'm having a really hard time choosing one.


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huskylover200 #1
Thanks for your help everyone! In the end, I picked Key's quote. :)
Penguin_Panda16 #2
I can't choose between the last three!
Key's :)
Sophiaa #5
I think key's :)
I choose Key's
I like Woohyun and Key's.