My Classmates are Strange

Hi everyone who actually reads my blogs! LOL Anyways, I had an interesting day at school today and thought it'd be fun to share with you guys.

For one thing, this one kid in my class forgot/broke his belt so his pants kept sliding down. So, he decides to be a genius and use tape as a belt.

And I was just sitting at my desk like,

Obviously, the tape belt didn't work out in the end. I have no idea what that kid was thinking, but apparently he thought it was a smart idea at the time.

Then, I was at the library waiting to tutor a kid in French when one of my teachers walked by. He said hi to me in the most depressed voice I have ever heard hahaha.

And one kid in my health class almost accidentally admitted that he drank in front of one of my teachers. We were talking about alcohol and stuff so he was like, "Why do people like their shots on fire sometimes? I tried- I mean, I've seen people do it sometimes." It was hilarious cuz he's one of the kids who always sleeps in class and my teacher is not a big fan of him. XD

Oh, and on Monday three of the kids in my health class did a project together (we had a big book project where we had to read a book and present something) and they decided it would be fun to write a song and perform it in front of us. Best health class ever. They aren't bad musicians at all but it was still hilarious to watch. Especially since one of them tried to rap and that just didn't work out at all.

I have to commend them for their courage though.

I have a lot of other interesting stories about the insane kids at my school but I don't feel like saying too much right now and I can't really remember all the details right now OTL. hahaha

Anyways, I hope you found these stories about my classmates as amusing as I found them. :)


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